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On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate stems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Guillermo_04, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I've already been made notice of their harshness, and some people complain of headaches, but from the general public, how do you guys feel doing stems, especially when out of bud?
  2. Stems have little to no THC whatsoever. Don't do it you probably won't get high and will end up with a headache
  3. ive personally smoked stemps before, like u said, ran outta weed and was like aaah fuck it. plain and simple just save um till u can make some hash or oil or somethin cause the high is short and shitty and its a really harsh smoke. stems are great for when u make hash but not so good for smoking.
    3/10 smoking
    7/10 other usage
  4. save up stems and make chocolate milk, i made some chocolate milk with like a half oz of stems, fucked me up.
  5. well i grind up my stems and then make some screen rub kief out of them and it smokes just fine out the bong. saves the day when i'm out of bud, i'll give them a 4/10 :bongin:
  6. -17,
    tastes like shit, doesnt get you high, not worth it.
  7. make stem tea out of them gets you high there are some recipes in the edibles section
  8. Sometimes I suck on a stem when I'm rolling because they taste like weed (go figure :rolleyes:). Other than that, I just throw em out.

  9. -5.
    they have no use to me cept for cooking and i dont think its worth it to save all my stems just for that.
  10. Yeah man just save them up and make some tincture or some kind of edible if you have enough.

    Tincture will rock your world man.
  11. shit i smoke them when im desperate,
    they tast like shit but then after you smoke them scrape your resin and you'll get a good buzz,
    only when you're desperate though,
    so when i have bud ill give them a 2
    when i dont have bud and its been a few days dry like an 8 if you dont mind the taste
  12. word to mother. thats the way to go to catch a quick buzz, but if your talking bulk stems, cookery.
  13. what the hell ya talkin about how do u rate stems.. 0/10 they fuckin suck i wish they didnt exist so u would get more bud
  14. do you not see all the crystals on your stems bro?
    thats awesome kief right there,
    and you've obviously never had tea,
    maybe you should try saving them up so you can see whats up,
    and if there were no stems there would be no plant in the first place,
    you're wasting your own money if you're not taking advantage of everything you get
  15. i smoked just stems b4 and got hi
  16. When you smoke them, like a 2 or less, they suck. 7 for the edibles. I had a full tablespoon of stems from ounces of dank and I made tea with butter and I had a major body high for like 7 hours.
  17. smoking them i give it a 1 edibles i give a 7
  18. if you make hash or butter with the stems i would suggest putting them in the blender before baking or making hash. more efficient, IMO.

    evil :smoke:
  19. Stems are pointless to smoke.

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