due to personal reasons, I have decided to delete whatever I said on this thread that I made years ago.
I'm gonna eat some brownies in the parking lot the next time I go to an amusement park, which shoiuld be soon
due to personal reasons, I have decided to delete whatever I said in this thread that I made years ago.
I dont go on roller coasters anymore. Ive been on three in my life, and everytime someone has fallen off. I think im too freaked out to go on one again. Especially since I did shrooms relatively soon after the last time, and I just sat there analyzing this freaky shit Oh, someone only died once out of the three times of people falling off..
i wanna go on superman stoned...that'd be the shit. Where i am you can get away smoking in the parking lot or right before you go in. No cameras that i know of. The lines would kill it though
actualy, it might suck. think about it, you're at the top of the rollar coaster and you're going "oh shit" and then you're stoned
due to personal reasons, I have decided to delete whatever I said in this thread that I made years ago.
i can't imagine what it would be like to go on a roller coaster during a salvia trip. omg, that sounds like it would be so terrifying that you would probably die of a heart attact.
due to personal reasons, I have decided to delete whatever I said in this thread that I made years ago.
I went on one drunk before... It was scary, I'm never scared of rolller coasters but was when I had been drinking because it made me feel sick and everything went by so slow yet real fast too, I don't know but I haven't had the chance to go on one stoned yet
rollercoaster stoned is SOOO FUCKING INTENSE!!!!! me an some buddies tried it alst summer. we hot boxed my car and we were fucking BBBBAAAAAKKKEEED. we smoked 3 g's oout of my friends bub in 15mins. hotboxed the car sooooo bad. i was so stoned. like i have only been that stoned 4 times in my life so far. we walk in, buy some fried dough (which btw is soooo good when your high) and head to the superman (six flags over new england if that helps refrence anyone... i live 5 mins from six flags) we get on and i was all mellow and shit (duh i was really high) then we take off. such a rush. you think to yourself "nothing bad is goign to happen. people ride these things all the time" so i sat back and enjoyed... i think we road it 3 times that day. sooooooooooooooo awsome. i wanna try it trippin on shrooms thatd be fun
Back in the late 70's, there was a theme park in Santa Clara, Ca called Marriott's Great America (now it's jut Great America). They held a Gay Day there one summer where they closed off the park and had it open for gays. There were so many people there on acid or MDA. Like about half the attendees were trippin', myself included. Mind you, I'm a fuckin' freak for a good rollercoaster ride... you know, the type who always rides in the front car so I can see what's happening before anyone else... I remember riding one ride that had this long ass corkscrew turn that created some wild visuals! Incredible shit! At the time, Great America had the largest indoor movie screen. I think it was like a beta version of the IMAX theatres. The theatre held 1000 people and all of them, or so it seemed at the time, were tripping hard as we watched Niagara Falls expand on to the screen in the blink of an eye and being chased by a train that's gaining at incredible speed. Wild stuff...
one of the best roller coasters i've been on was Apollo's Chariot at Bush Gardens (VA). it has a huge first drop
lol crazy. there's an IMAX theatre about an hour from me. that's a good idea. I should go there and watch one of the space programs they show.