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OMMP, must list grower to get card, must have card to find grower??

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by CheckYourTotem, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Question about the OMMP.

    My brother is going to be starting the process of getting his card and I'm helping him through the process. We've been reading through the required paperwork and I have a question about how to find a grower.

    The form requires you to list the grower you will be getting the meds from, but you can't find a grower unless you have a card. Seems like a catch 22 unless you know how to grow your own.

    He doesn't know any growers, and is not familiar with the proper etiquette around MMJ. He doesn't know anyone that smokes, legal or not.

    The question is, how do you find a grower to list on your application?

    We looked into the card holder meetings at the Cannabis Cafe in Portland. It says you can network there and meet growers etc. but you can't even get in the door without a card. So how do you get a card to get in the door to meet a grower if you don't already have a grower to list on the application?

    Thanks for your input.
  2. Search for medical marijuana in your state/city it'll pop up a list of local medical marijuana shops and on most of there websites they will state that they are also caregivers although your brother will most likely need to call them and let them know he is a new signup. There is always craigslist as well but I'd make sure they are reputable in both cases as you don't want to be switching caregivers all the time, I've heard they move you further down the list when renewing every year so it takes longer.
  3. #3 tharedhead, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    You can list yourself as grower (even if you have no intention of growing) till you find one, then file the proper change form, submitting the new grow site info, and a copy of your new grower's drivers license.

    There are several groups in Portland which may help your brother hook up with a grower. Some are weirder than others;) I'd try them all and take an average. I just sort of staggered around grabbing people by the collar till I found a decent grower. Took a couple of tries but the eventually worked out well.

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