omg uncontrollable laughter....

Discussion in 'General' started by YouSuckDude, Jan 16, 2008.


    omg....what is the american cinematic system coming to?

    EDIT:this gets funnier each time...if your blazed read the comments people leave too

    those always crack me seeing the movie i just wanna see that part

    on a HUGE screen in a dark room with some sour patch kids ;)
  2. MMM, sour patch kids :) delicious!!

    my roommate freezes his sour patch kids before he eats them!!

    i only eat the red ones...
  3. benefit - so sick

    we have alot in common already

    im from cali too
  4. omg that was pretty funny. i cant wait to blaze and watch this shit! ZOMG!!!111 |337!
  5. Wtf is this garbage, how is this funny...its just another attempt to get the gullable teenagers to laugh at anything...a shark and hes doing such a fake act laugh..give it up who ever directed this 1 star garbage.
  6. Every time I see that on TV I'm partly amused, in awe and then a little disgusted...Looks so weird
  7. it sounds like hes making the laugh like the guy from doug, mr dink
  8. haha i agree with you man but i cant help but when peter griffin skinned his knee and went "tssssssss ahhhhhhhh....tssssss ahhhhhhhhh....tsssss ahhhhhh" for like 5 minutes hahha
  9. "Careful, Douglath, thith wuth very exthpenthive!"
  10. lmao, niiiice...:eek:

  11. haha i love doug... ever see the "Doug Uncensored" videos?? soo funny

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  12. </P>wow...that made me lmfao

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