Omg Bush Is A Fucker!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by elementxero, Mar 20, 2003.

  1. Thank you, its refreshing to encounter people willing to set aside political, economic, religious values and talk about individual issues at face value. The world needs balance from the left and the right. Sometimes I get caught up in what I perceive to be extremisim by EITHER side. In my opinon there has to be some common ground and I dont know if that means every body every where in the world will be happy? I dont think so. It would be nice. I just dont beleive that its appropriate to call Bush a "fucker". I would not say that about the person in Scotland or wherever that best represents your political idioligys. Bush is not perfect, but I respect some/many of his conservative beliefs. Not all by any means, I hope we can debate, discuss, and even agree to intelligent personal and political issues together again.

    Peace to you
  2. Assuming someone explains why they feel that way it should be fine for them to critisize the president. Insults aren't necesarry though. Personally I think it's more than possible to debate without getting bitter, the problem is that many liberals (and quite a few conservatives, fox news for example) take pride in their ability to critisize public figures, be them president or dixie chick. So as long as we keep it to intelligent centered debate (sans petty insults) can't we still talk about Dubya? I'm going to.
  3. first to nikidog. i'm sorry to hear about your illness. nobody should go through that kind of ordeal. i guess you're on some crazy dosages of chemo about now. thank nature for the weed that'll bring your apetite and view on life up.

    the question at hand tho' is all the labels that flow around. i'm quite used to that in the US beeing called a communist must be as bad as beeing called a nazi more or less.

    what americans (most, not all) don't seem to grasp is that communism is a utopian society that have never been tried out in the real world. what we have had in russia, china, north korea, vietnam etc. is something quite different from communism. more like state-capitalism despoty. the natural result of too many people with too much power with no constitutional way of delegating that power to new people after a given period. like plato's utopia, communism will not work until a)humans are out of the loop b)power is transitional in the system, not absolute.

    as to discussion in general i'd agree with krazihare. there is nothing wrong with having widely different views on things here in the city, as long as you can give an argument for your position, rather than just throw names and innuendo at your opponents. that is what differentiates the city from say yahooka.

    oh, and i'm a liberal-socialist. i think that is the quintessential middleground. the best from both sides. safety and freedoom. democracy and opportunity. as such i watch with horror the policies put into action by mr. bush jr. he's been in power in 2 years, started 2 wars, beefing up military expenditures right, left and middle, giving huge tax-breaks to the already filthy-rich, taking away basic freedoms with new laws regarding drm, surveillance etc. bush is the centrepiece in a government that looks more and more plutocratic and fascist. don't look for bush if you wan't to save your frail democracy. he's part of the problem, and most probably the most undemocratic president of the us *ever*.

    in short, he's a fucker :)
  4. LOL, man you were on a roll till the end! Thanks guys this little spark of debate has brought some humor and levity to my life. Hey someone in the crowd has got to be a "Bush" guy, Ill take my lumps accordingly, and for the record....

    In the last 2 years.....Im now 38
    7 Chemo treatments
    17 Bone marrow biopsy (ya those really hurt)
    1 week of radiation
    3 surgerys
    3 weeks ICU
    9 months of cummalitive hospitalisation
    1 Bone Marrow Transplant, matched unrelated donor.

    The transplant is my last ticket, so far so good, if it holds for 2 years I just might make it.
  5. wow man bullshit
  6. WE elected him, shut the fuck up.

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