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Omg bugs!!! Help!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by KidFrivolous, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. #1 KidFrivolous, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009
    There is freaking bugs on my baby! We just had a few rainy/humid days and now this. I went to water and couldn't help but notice that EVERY SINGLE flower on this plant is speckled black. Looking closer it looks like gnats, or fleas.. i don't know. Look for yourself..

    I tried to get some good close up shots magnified, you should be able to see them.

    What do I do!? Is she screwed? I don't want to be smoking gnats..:(

    HELP! Please!

    Attached Files:

  2. haha looks like theyre stuck to the resin, but i dont think gnats could do any not sure tho. just like shake the bugs of gently.
  3. Thanks fiorello420 for the tip.

    Tried shaking them off, however many are still stuck. I don't see any movement, or flying away as a shake it.. i think they are all dead?

    what else could i do?

    is there any bug repellents that i should use? I'm about 3-4 weeks from harvest and don't want to see this get any worse.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  4. Get some tweezers and start picking lol
  5. id say get some tweezers as well, i always get lawn clippings all over mine when dude comes to cut my yard, so i bust out the tweezees and get all the little grass clipping out of my nug.

    but they dont look like theyre eating anything, at least from those pics it doesnt.

    they might just be blazed though, not dead. :D
  6. ok heres what you do get some garlic and dump it in a gallon of water and shake it up or boil it and put it in a mist bottle and spray those fuckers down i had the same problem! wont hurt your bud or plant!
  7. Awesome.. Grabbin a stool and some tweezers now. Gonna get to work asap.

    Garlic water? i am game to try anything at this point but im concerned id make the bud taste like garlic. Will the smell and the residue be gone by the time harvesting and curing are complete? And do i do this frequently? or as i see needed?
  8. I do not think the garlic would make your bud taste or smell like it. Plus it should go away once you dry and cure the bud. How big are your plants? Do you have full body shots? Just curious, are the bugs just on top of the plants?
  9. You'll get little poppin sound when you put a liter to it.haha That could suck. What do knats taste like?Imagine some of the stuff we have smoked not knowin!
  10. they sell these strips of sticky shit that attract gnats and shit and they stick to it.
    i stuck some up in my kitchen and after a few days they are covered in gnats and flies.
  11. intresting ideas are going on in this area I looked at your photos as well and they look like they got stuck on ther real good. thats why our plants make resin. all to protect its self and it seems to have worked. you can suck them off or use tweesers like was sugested. stay away from the garlic. I grow strickly organics and I recomend you get some ladybugs and mist them with flat 7up pop and put them on your plants. a few everyday and they will clean up anything you need without getting stuck.

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