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Omfg I bought a lot of stuff

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by devilzlettuce, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So today I went to hempcon in San Jose, ca and bought an illusionz bong for $270 and they through In an ash catcher a bowl of my choice of any small spoon then I bought a bubbler for $70 then I bought a bracelett that says I <3 doobiez then sum booth gave me a beanie for free and in the prop 215 area I bought 1 gram of sum of the dankest looking blackberry kush I've everseen for $10 and they through in a little over 1 gram of green crack for free and then I bought five edibles but i don't remember how much they were lol
  2. pics or it didn't happen
  3. I wish i could make a shopping spree like that
  4. What you should have done, is spent all that money on weed.

    I don't get the deal with all these hi-tek bongs and shit. A nice bowl/blunt/chillum/joint/simple bong is all you need. If you can't handle the heat, stay out the kitchen.

  5. oh it happened there will b pics maybe tommarrow
  6. I agree man, 100%!:smoke: +rep

  7. I would have spent more money on weed but I already have like 3 1/8ths of dank at home
  8. Hang time! Hand glide! Stir fried! Chanky-eyed! Shanghai!
    Candy rain! drizzle frame! I ride!


  9. wtf ????
  10. [ame=""]YouTube - Curren - Airborne Aquarium (Pilot Talk II)[/ame]

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