Omegle: Pedophiles Chatroulette: Penis, lot's of penis. Although, the other night me and a couple of my friends got baked and met a dude from turkey on chatroulette and he smoked a bong with us LOL
Last night on Chatroulette I got a guy with a nice 2 ft. glass bong, and I was smoking my chillum, and we took turns taking hits, hahaha. He also showed me his other bong, which was (I'm really bad at judging length) 4 ft or so.
They're both filled with horny tennage boys. Either way, you're gonna run into a lot of dick... And pedos
I really don't know why I always go back. I get a decent hit so rarely that I'm severely brain-fucked by the end of my time there. It's just so fun when you're blazed sometimes... edit: oh, I also like to go on there and hold the camera up to my hairy nipple.
I realized that since I even had to ask that initial question, it's crazy to go to those sites, hahaha. :smokin: