Omegle flood

Discussion in 'General' started by dave999, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hi everyone

    I think that it would be both informative and funny at the same time to all go onto at 22.30 GMT, I don't know what that will be in your timezone, on wednesday 27 january.

    When you get onto the site, just say hi, then once they respond type "legalize marijuana, spread the word" or your own personal message that goes around those lines. I say we do this, and considering that site normally has no more than 5000 people, if we get 100 people or so doing this then we can reach most of these people, and spread the word and have a laugh.

    Anyone else up for doing this?
    If there is some problem that I'm breaching by suggesting this please tell me :smoke:
  2. Kind of a good idea i guess.
  3. haha shit im keen.
    just tryed it then and the fucker disconnected
  4. haha yeah bro im in! lets keep this thread alive!
  5. If you want something like this done, talk to /b/.
  6. yeah just like copy and paste heaps ae lol
  7. [​IMG]
  8. well to be honest everyone, I don't really want to go onto 4chan or go onto /b/, i think the community on heres a lot nicer in general and I hoped that I could get some support here. So for everyone who wants to do it, 10.30 GMT time, thats going to be different to american time, itll be about 6 ish i think, but PLEASE double check. This is going down wednesday, so everyone who wants to please join :)

  9. Fine, I will do this as well.
    But i want support on here as well as /b/, are you in or not?
  10. im down. funny shit can go down on omegle
  11. sick, hopefully we can get about 100 or so doing this, remember 10.30 GMT wednesday, please make sure you find out what the time is in your state in accordance of how many hours back or forward it is for GMT
  12. I'll pack the sandwhiches!
  13. fine I'm in. Someone post it on /b/

    I refuse to go to that wretched anus of the interwebz.
  14. Rule 1: You do not talk about /b/
    Rule 2: You DO NOT talk about /b/​

  15. when posting in /b/, would it be best to post like 1 hour before we're going to do it or now?
    sorry, only been on 4chan a few times, seems pretty fucked up to me.
  16. Maybe I'm a dumbass...

    but what the fuck is "/b/"?
  17. I don't know either, but I got a feeling its best if we stay ignorant.

  18. /b/ is a fucked up forum on 4chan. It's basically like the darkest, fucked up corner of the internet. Its posts on the forum basically consist of weird porn, there has been cases of numerous child porn on that stite, racist (when i mean racist i don't mean mildy racist in an entertaining way, I mean full racist) stories and jokes, like about how they wanna beat black people up etc, and attempts to flood sites. That is why it would be a get idea to use /b/ to help this happen. B

    /b/ floods are made up of groups of anonymous users who do various stuff. One time they all uploaded porn onto youtube, and it took youtube quite a while to take it off. They're fucked up, but some of the stuff they do is okay, and they're great if you want something done in the masses, e.g. getting everyone to go onto omegele and say "legalize marijuana".

    Basically, its a fucked up forum, maybe worst on the internet, where ANYTHING goes.
    Hope that helps.

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