Olympic village is a giant orgy

Discussion in 'General' started by Purp Skurp, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. We all know after hours olympic village is one big sweaty orgy. Who do you guys think is bangin who? I can only hope it's Alex Morgan and hope solo.
  2. They had to ban outdoors sex in olympic village because the place was completely littered with used condems.
  3. [quote name='"weed smoking 21"']Lol are you serious bro ? What gave you that idea ? I mean I've thought about it sure..... Don't it doubt it really happens[/quote]

    It's true dawg. I'm pretty sure there was like a big giant bowl of condoms waiting for them when they arrived LOL

  4. Past olympians have talked about it... its just like a fuck fest behind cameras.
  5. ...where is this olympic village you speak of?....for ya know...geographic purposes...
  6. Well idk about all, but i know my boy kobe is gettin it in. I bet phelps could have any girl in that orgy.
  7. lol i did not know this but it makes sense

    young toned individuals

    dedicated their lives to training

    they need some lovin too
  8. I guess that's why they don't let cameras in. Maybe bangbros can infiltrate that bitch.
  9. Hahaha wonder how many kids will be conceived
  10. the thing i wonder about is those gymnastics girls that are like 16.

  11. Kobe- "hey hope you wanna come into my room and check out my championship ring?"
  12. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GfwDLXRkYQ]Disturbing Message to Olympic Athletes - YouTube[/ame]

  13. I bet there fucking too.
  14. [quote name='"twitchydude420"']

    I bet their fucking too.[/quote]

  15. actually not fixed, but nice try

  16. wow. fail.
  17. [quote name='"Flemian"']


    they're. lol you fail.

  18. their probably the most freaky lol
  19. did anyone in this thread graduate highschool? ^
  20. It's a shame no one knows how to use they're, their, and there.

    fuckin' ay


    ...mmmmmm Lolo Jones

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