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Older Blades Lurkin? What you doin?!

Discussion in 'General' started by theVirtuoso, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. #1 theVirtuoso, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
    I still lurk around the forums probably 4-5 days a week, but I really never post anymore... I'm wondering if I can pull some of you out of hiding and wondering what you been up to?

    I finally got started on a small, personal grow-op. It was supposed to be accomplished many many months ago, but time and time again has proved it wasn't well... the right time.

    Well I finally got started and wanted to try an "aerogarden pro" grow (don't tell me about spending less and building my own, i know... circumstances people). Got my auto Ak-47 x auto Blueberry seeds... one just getting started, 10 days old atm and I think it could be bigger, but I didn't have any pH adjuster and the baby simply sat in the distilled water for a week (lost a little bit of green on one set of leaves, but it's all coming in real nice and healthy now). I got advanced nutrients which are arguably the best for this and I will be starting to introduce those to my baby when i change the reservoir this week.

    Now I got an extra light (2700 lumens 48 watt CFL)... got a normal fan directly on it with a big big oscillating fan in the backround and even a small tower fan in the backround to keep the air circulating around my closet. Of course an air pump an airstone in there as well... I completely forgot about electrical tape around the base so I gotta go run and buy some of that now so no light gets through to the roots.

    if anyone sees something, a small variation I could make to help it would be greatly appreciated too... first time grower... long time dreamer.



    buttttt.... I didn't want to turn this into a grow journal (too late kinda), I was just lookin for some old blades to see what's up and what they're up to now adays... this baby is my hobby now, so what's yours?
  2. Well I'm not really an older blade, so Ill stay out of this thread, but i just wanted to say good luck on your grow man, that plant looks sexy.
  3. #3 Sovereign Psyche, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
    good luck on the grow op bro

    you prolly dont even know me

    i posted around in 2004-2005
    then left until just recently:eek:

    just saw the end of your post
    rock climbing
    and of course, sharing my opinions and thoughts on the good ole GC
  4. Im still here, But i post more then i lurk. ;)
  5. We need the older blades to do less lurking and more posting. Keeps the idiots more at bay.
  6. good to see you around again man
  7. idk if i count as an older blade but i recently came back from like a one year hiatus
  8. I'm here from 06...I have had way to much time recently and have gone from lurking to posting recently haha. Glad you're enjoying the hobby...growing is such a sacred thing.
  9. I guess i've been here long enough. Good luck on your plant. May the dank be with you.

    I love to learn about shit. Right now I'm interested in metaphysics and the spiritual world.
  10. That's awesome, guys. I'm glad to see some faces I recognize. :cool:

    but it's not like i'm that old of a blade, hehe
  11. Good luck on your grow. Im also about to start my first grow
  12. yea man im a big lurker now too, really only post if im the first response, haha, because someone has already said the same shit 10 times already. haha my buddy has an aerogarden and it turned out well, he didnt even transfer them or anything, just a real small yield from 3 plants if i remember like 3/4 of an oz or something. i mean they were small, i know u can get bigger yields on the aerogarden. sorry for the ramble haha
  13. always lurkin in the shadows

  14. So cute when they're small :smoke:

    aint gone no where..
  15. I guess im a GC senior citizen..hahaha

    nice little start to your grow virtuoso..and good to see you still lurk at least..
  16. Old Blades need to stay posting to keep the rascals in check :devious:
  17. same as this guy << . Same ol', playin guitar, writin music, workin on my book, back at school (chillin in my crib wit the guys, coffee and a blunt... lifes good). lifes been goin up and down for me lately but overall shits good. Nice to see you around Virtuouso, i'm missin all the old blades that used to post around here... its really sad when i realize how many people have left... glad to see you back, you were always a name that stuck out to me,

    [edit] JAN 2007 BLADES FTW!!!
  18. Lurkers scare me.
  19. #19 Floydian, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  20. im still here not that old of a blade but im still here

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