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Old xbox 360

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jdonnie, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. So I have an Xbox 360 that got red ringed and I kinda wanna strip all the hardware out and turn it into a big stealthy stash box. any ideas or tips?

  2. Uhh... strip all the hardware out and put the shell back together :smoke: But how would you open and close it?
  3. do it!! and send me the rest of the parts! :D

    or fix it?
  4. Try googling how to take them apart etc..

    If you cant then just have at it.

    You probably wont be able to take all the hardware out and still make it looks like a functional x box.
  5. screw a stash box, make it into a bong
  6. I have the SAME EXACT THING. an old broken 360 that i wanna make into a stash box but i couldnt find anything on how to do it ! someone please find a way!!! :confused:

  7. The x bong. hahaha if you tell me how, ill try it. or make it both?!?! haha

  8. I'd have to put hinges on the back, but on the inside so it would be concealed, then have a release lock mechanism somewhere

  9. Fuck yea, like the guy with the fish tank he had sitting around ahahahha

  10. Ill post pictures when its done, im gonna make a pretty big stash box with a possible bong concealed somewhere inside.
  11. wait!! why don't you just send it in to be repaired?
    unless the warranty expired or something, in which case, can't wait for pics of the stash box
  12. please keep this promise! i took my whole xbox apart and couldnt find the best way to make it into a stashbox. you could keep so many different pieces nice and safe lol. I also wanted to make little dividers so that your glass doesnt cling together and chip/break.

  13. im gonna go buy some plexiglass (spelling?) tomorrow or soon, and make a larg compartment, and then smaller compartments for grinder, bowl etc. then try and figure out how to make a bong.

  14. warranty expired, already have a new one :p idk when ill get around to it, but i will post pics!
  15. i have many opened xboxs laying around and this what i would do. take the metal shell apart and remove everything except for the dvd drive. Put the xbox back together but w.o screws it should snap together. it will be together enough that as long as its not moving ur OK
  16. i also have a few laying around but never thought of making a stash box out of em, i think the easiest way of doing it, as long as you have a hard drive you can use, just open and gut it out then cut out the top portion where the hardrive goes but make it so you can still attach the harddrive and bingo, quick pop off and stash.

  17. Haha thats a pretty good idea, mine didnt have a hard drive though. im almost done with it, i made it so i can easily pop the whole top off. theres a lot of super glue holding this thing together though :) still havent decided if i want to spray paint it or not though.

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