Old Weed Tickets after prop 19?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Kamikazi, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. if you have past due weed tickets and prop 19 passes to legalize weed in cali. will the old tick be voided?
  2. hell no it wont void it, you got the ticket while it was illegal
  3. This:hello:
  4. Very rarely are ex post facto rules applied in the states, meaning they aren't retroactively applied. The only exception is if Prop 19 includes an amnesty clause, which I don't see in the bill text.
  5. There was something like that on the earlier ballots. Not sure if it was on prop 19 though. The one I read said all marijuana offences would be wiped clean. So someone in prison for marijuana only charges would be released.

    Does anyone know how correct this is?
  6. /thread
  7. No.

    But on several job applications I've filled out, I've seen something along the lines of "Have you ever been convicted of a crime? (excluding marijuana offenses in California within the past 2 years)"

  8. Blunt you changed you're avatar! I didn't even recognize you!
  9. Yeah, I like the Marx avatar better than the Beck one. :smoke:

  10. Now you're not switching over to the dark side now are you?
  11. [​IMG]

  12. Basically this.
  13. No, I don't support Marxism. :smoke:

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