Old User New Account

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Pharkd, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. #1 Pharkd, Aug 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2013
    So I had a nasty ass addiction (Now clean for 8 months) but shall never give up my beloved green goddess. I forgot my old username/pass so I decided I would just make a new one. I have been a member of GC for around 4 years or so. I used to live in WA state but recently moved it AZ. the sunshine is nice but I HATE THE PRICES AND QUALITY OH LAWDY. I got out of rehab mid june. Starting my new life here in AZ with my girl of three years, bless her heart for putting up with my shitty ass addiction. WAS NOT FUN.
    Although I have many stories from rehab. My rehab was alot more chill than mosts. I could walk around town and shit, could get a job, lived in a house with some other dudes. It was alot like a halfway house, but being an actual rehab, so you can detox, get therapy, massages. Honestly It was kind of fun minus the detox.
    They tried telling me that I was addicted to EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Including my sweet marijuana.
    So whats new in the GC in the past year?

  2. You can't talk about other drugs on GC, it's in the rules and guidelines, just a heads up.
  3. welcome back. what was your previous account name?
  4. My old username I THINK was killerflee
    I cant remember the password, and my old email is no longer. Lol

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