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Old Skool Posters. Check em' out.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by WheelchairKUSH, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I have a few pot posters and a couple other posters (including a black panther) from the 1970's that I'd like to share with my fellow blades. :smoke:

    To the old skool tokers; maybe you recognize 1 of these?

    They are a very nice addition to my smoke room. :D

    Anybody else have some bad ass posters from the 70's? If so post em' up!

    The 'Marihuana' marlboro red looking cigarette box is probably my favorite. Right with the marijuana permit. :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. These posters are sick, thanks for sharing! I especially like the Black Panther and the "Let it Grow" one.

  3. Thanks for looking! :D
  4. lol i like the "Marijuana Permit" and how they signed it.... (all you can a) ford lol

  5. Yeah haha!

    Gerald Roll (all you can a) Ford and Nelson Rock (on with your bad self a) Fellow

    And on the side it says;

    "So Boogie hard now Mama Like- Bring it here to John I'm gonna freak off in my undies if we don't get it on."
    Harry Kiss-In-Her
    Secretary Of State
  6. Awesome posters man!
    Where did you get them from ? :)

  7. Well there was an old shop at my buddies place in the valley and his dad told me that him and his old hippie buddy lived there in the 70's, and that there was still probably a bunch of black panther news papers (which I also got) and a bunch of posters. As soon as he said that I went out there, dug through some stuff and bam! These are some of the better conditioned ones.

    Definitely keeping them around forever. :smoke:
  8. damn, those are SICK:smoke:

  9. Definitely! :smoke:
  10. #10 garrison68, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I enjoy seeing some of these posters again.

    As far as the one that says, "Hot Town, Pigs in The Streets, But The Streets Belong to The People", I don't think that the Black Panthers themselves were responsible for it - they would have put their name on it if they had printed it. This doesn't particularly ring a bell as one of their slogans. They did have, "All Power to the People", and others that were similar. "Dig it?" doesn't sound like their style, either.

    But hey, thanks for putting them up here! :hello:
  11. Wow!!! Definitely keep those around forever! :D
  12. i thought you meant posters as in posters who post here. i was like wtf this man is crazyyyy

  13. Ahh , I see. I assumed it was black panthers because of the fist. Cool nonetheless :D

    Thanks for checking them out!

    I'll definitely have em' forever. :smoke:
  14. I got this one.

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