ive just noticed lately my mose seems a different shape to usual, like the side ive always snorted through is a slightly different shape to the other side of my nose ... like more narrow and a tiny bit sunken, might just be been been a paranoid dick but im sure my nose dosnt look the same as it used to
If you snort various substances you could be having cartilage issues. You may wish to consider seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist before the damage progresses. They see a lot of this. Here is some nose damage.... The terrible toll cocaine has taken on Tara's face | Mail Online
Yeah, I would definitely see someone about it if you're worried, and maybe (just maybe) stop snorting so many illicit substances. I have a friend who actually had to get surgery on her nasal cavity due to snorting far too many drugs. Not a fun thing.
Nooooooo, i'll loook like michael jackson off that episode of south park were his nose falls off!! hahaa no seriously tho my nose is deffo looking a weird shape
If you're going to keep snorting it may be helpful to flush your nose well with a saline solution after your session. Using a neti pot, for example. Or a saline nasal spray from the Chemists. Boots has Sterimar saline nasal spray. It won't totally prevent damage, but it may help reduce it.
Random question, not trying to hijack your thread here, but is there a reason you always snort through the same nostril? I always used to, too, and I noticed that the high was actually different/less intense when I tried to use my other nostril. I don't know if it was just in my head or if that's a common thing for people.
haha no particular reason ive always just snorted through the right side of my nose, i do agree with you tho it seems to get a better 'hit' through one side to the other with me, but i think that might be because when your used to snorting through one side and not the other that side kinda feels like more open and easyer to sniff think i'll have to start bombing such illicet substances just incase my nose isnt the best for wear haha
anyone no any good ways to cover it up if it ever dose get worse tho?? im hopeing it'll just stay as it is now, its not noticeable at first sight or a glance but if you look at my nose you can deffo tell something looks a tad odd about it
I have always heard that the left side gets you higher. Could just have been a superstitious coke head though, not wanting to waist it. hahah
hahahahah someone i knew that used to do speed alot thought that their nose was falling off, they would look at you and say 'my nose is falling off!!!!!!!! what do i doooo' hahahah they even went to the doctor and said that and that doctor said 'what are you talking about, your nose is fine' its all just paranoia from snorting too many drugs.
You might want to check into whats called a deviated septum. Ask your doctor about it as its really easy to diagnose. Iv had it since I was 12 and its annoying as hell but you get used to it. What it is is either naturally or from a punch or in my case a baseball hitting me your septum (middle part of your nose) gets shifted slightly to one side making one of the nostrils larger than the other. In my case its enough that I cant breath on one side of my nose anymore but It really doesnt effect me that much. Pretty sure that theres a surgery for it but its really not necessary. Good luck
thats a good thourght but i dont think thats the case for me, ive not been hit in the nose anytime recently apart from by a 9 year old and i have no problem breathing. my nose just looks like its beginning to sink inwards towards the 'snorting side' my nose is just like soft if anything, bloody weird