my avatar, i can't seem to uploada pic small enough to use as my do i make a pic smaller?someone help plse!
no...something like paint...ermm...acdsee...whatever opens up when you click on the picture from the list or whatever.....the specific program that allows for the viewing of the pics.
go to and search for 'jpeg resize' in the search box toward the top of the page. You should be able to find a program that will be able to change the size and the quality of the picture. Pick one that's free, and download it (shouldn't be more than 800k). It's not hard to figure out how to use, if you've ever used something like photoshop or gimp it's a cinch.
thnx ! i'll try that. im using internet explorer and i save the the pic in my that the wrong folder or whatever, u know what i mean.....
okay..yeah..good place to, when you go into your documents..and then click to open up the picture.......what program opens up to let you see the picture in?
i think i know why i was havin this problem. i deleted a bunch of programs/software~whatever they're called cuz i have a really old puter and it was runin slow. so when i opened a pic to look at it it would open in my documents. that's probly why i couldn't edit it. i think. i have no idea. i downloaded jpeg resize and i figured it out and it worked! thnx krazihare! and thnx namron for tryin to help me out. hmmm still needing to find a good avatar. i think i'll be changing alot for awhile.....