ok would u still smoke if...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jdm_420, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Would u guys/gals still blaze if marijuana was addictive? Or as unhealthy as ciggaretes? I would still toke, but not as much, beside if it was as bad as ciggs I woulda died of emphazema/lung cancer long time ago!
  2. The main reason I smoke is just because its not as bad as most other drugs. I don't even drink or anything just smoke. So me personally propably not.
  3. Yes, just in moderation.
  4. No. Only reason im so attracted to it is cause its non addictive. I deff dont have the budget for addiction.
  5. I would make it as healthy as possible like vape or eat and try to cut back to like 1 time a week or less
  6. i would smoke nowhere near as much

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