alright, so Ive learned about buying nice pieces - they always seem to break in my or my friends hands. kinda sucks, but the slide on a bong I just bought (with diffusers all the way up, 2 percs, and an Ice chamber), was dropped by a friend. actually an ash catcher I borrowed from a friend also went with it. luckily they're not that mad about it, but it does really suck (the ash catcher weighed the bong down in front, and my other friend didnt know and put it on the edge of a dresser after taking a hit and it fell). he actually caught the bong itself, and its fine, I just now dont have a slide for it. and the thing is, its all glass on glass, and was blown at the shop I bought it at (and I dont have money right now to go buy a new one from there). the bong DOES NOT have a male/female setup, instead the slide just slides directly into the bong and has diffusers on the bottom of the stem (which is directly attached to the bowl). I realize that even if I can purchase a new slide I will have to measure it, but Im sure I can figure that much out on my own. my question is, am I able to purchase another slide like that from here or somewhere else? if so could someone provide me a link or an estimated cost? right now Im broke, but im hoping to get some money together over the summer or something and buy a new one. it would be a shame just to toss the bong, especially after my friend didnt take the offer of taking the bong in exchange for the broken ash catcher. not to mention its an awesome piece and I just dropped $100 on it. if I can get a new slide it is totally worth it. edit: if someone wants pictures (if that would help in any way) I can try to take some with my webcam
Phone pics or some sort of pics would help. And was it a ground glass joint that the slide fit into or was it one of the smooth ones? If you're talking about the smooth kind that slid into like a smooth stem those are everywhere and cheap as fuck.
im guessing if its glass on glass then its either 14.4 mill or 18.8 mill, those are the two standard sizes. Also make note that the downstem may have been two different sizes, say 18.8 where it drops into the bong and then 14.4 where the bowl drops into the downstem. A new downstem should be around $15 $20 at a smokeshop.
Yea I'm also guessing it's not true glass-on-glass. Meaning it's either 12mm or 9.5mm, both common in headshops but not so much on high-end sites. I'd love the OP to show us what he means though.
Based on what I think your describing, which was already stated, a gromet style. Then any local headshop will have them, and it will cost maybe $5.
I have a all gong bong that has a one piece bowl/downstem/ diffused as well. its really fucking annoying to have that shit too. ill post pics?? im sure he doesnt have a gromet style by the description. Edit: heres my one piece, piece of shit bowl, witch i fucking hate with every ounce of hate i can exhume. fuck these things man.
After looking again this is probly what he means. he threw me off by saying it's not the standard female/male set up, it is but the downstems attached to the bowl
i say that, cause he said its attached to the bowl?? whatever, i think his description is bad and YES NOBODY buy a Gong bowl with a downstem attached no matter how many shower head tubes the fucking thing has haha fuck thoosseee
I agree with this, but a downstem and a slide. It'll still fit in there, and probably be a bit more durable since you're not pulling out a long piece of glass, you'll only be pulling off the bowl.
That slide/downstem was designed bad anyway. It should have GonG connections. Whenever you pull the slide, the downstem stays. Keck clips are made to keep the downstem down, as to prevent breakage in the unfortunate case that the slide gets pulled out. Just get an Alex K or BW downstem and slide and you'll have sick diffusion.
man fuck that i say if someone breaks it and its clearly their fault i think they should step up and replace it. same things happened to my toro slide.
thanks all, I forgot about this thread. a couple days ago, I went back to the shop to get the measurements, but my cousin loaned me the money to buy another one while I was in there because they were selling them for only $20 which is a pretty crazy deal considering it was IN a small headshop where they blow their own glass in plattsburgh ny where things are generally pretty wildly expensive (at least compared to online or the shops in burlington if your willing to take the ferry). I got it at State of mind if anyone was wondering. I think its a newish head shop here, idk, it was my first semester here and may well have been my last, but thats a whole other story... thanks much for the help anyway, Id have needed it if I didnt get super lucky by chance. and yeah it was just a standard glass on glass - 14.4mm I think. I couldve ordered it here or anywhere else