Ok so im just sitting here

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by spleee254, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. ok so im just sitting here after smoking a nice bowl of super dank... and i realize now that the universe can not go on for ever... it cant not it is impossible... they say its expanding at an incredible speed.. well based on the universes laws of physics you need matter to expand and space is well space nothing... so how can nothing just beexpanding... one could argue space is just a big empty box with stuff in it .... yes but the space had to be there before the nothing but space is nothing so it could have never formed... its really nerve racking to think about but like we are just paint splatters on a canvas
  2. Interesting, I heard that for every number(cant remeber the number) of, I belive, galaxies or solar systems there is something like 1-2 life sustainable planets
  3. Just because the "space" inbetween all matter is very present where we are doesnt mean at the edge where the expansion is occuring that it is just space.... It could be massive amounts of plasma... you arent there.... hahahah who knows whats going on.... No one in our life time is gonna go anywhere near the edge of the universe thats for damn sure
  4. Galaxies are moving farther and farther apart as the universe expands. My understanding is that theres very little matter in-between the galaxies, and what there is is also "thinning" out.

  5. What we know about the universe is only what we know about how much of it we can perceive and experience. For example, every which direction looked at through the most powerful telescopic lenses see the same thing, so its assumed thats the reflected light from an expanding edge, or edge of the universe. What if its just an orb of plasma, that encircles our sector of as vastly larger and unbelievably spacious universe of trillions times more galaxies than we thought... no one can really say shit, we are stuck on a rock with no way to go anywhere to prove the constants of physics we know exist anywhere but here
  6. it is not that space is physically expanding because that can't.. for example as the sun and moon get further away from earth that in essence means space is expanding.. because the distance between 2 places became greater thus space expanded..

    so say you have 10 balls that are 5 yards apart well now make those same 10 balls 10 yards apart.. now there is more space..

    does that make any sense lol:smoke:
  7. To sort of expand on this I was thinking about infinity and how there could be infinitely small things and infinitely large things. Like imagine if our entire universe is just one molecule in some sludge pool and that pool is on a planet in it's own universe and that universe is also just something incredibly tiny....

    Weird shit man, we really have no clue about what's really out there.....like way out there..
  8. This is beyond our comprehension.

  9. True that. It's really fucked up. There are just so so many things to ponder when it comes to space and the Universe that I wouldn't have the time or even energy to get into them here... but it always makes me wonder. Just imagining how massive and vast our universe is, how cold space is. Any extraterrestrial life out there would be completely, 100% unrecognizable too. It really is a giant coincidence that certain proteins and lipids and organic compounds combined to form the first things resembling cells. If we ever meet what we call extraterrestrial "life", we probably won't know it. There is no way that life anywhere else formed the same way that life on Earth formed.

    Ya dig?

  10. Puzzles rarely solve themselves (the universe being the puzzle and us being part of it)
  11. If the universe is a puzzle, we are not one of the pieces but more like a single molecule that combined with an extraordinarily large # of other molecules can create a single piece of the puzzle. Also this puzzle has maybe a googloplex of pieces (googloplex is a number with a million zeros)

  12. Universe = everything in existence. We are most certainly part of the puzzle.
  13. dude, the universe was far smaller when it was first created than it is now. The thing is is that we DONT KNOW what its expanding into. No one says it goes on forever, don't know where you got that.
  14. actually its one hundred zeros

  15. yeah, that's what he just said. He's saying we are so small compared to the size of the universe, we are like an atom of one of the puzzle pieces.

  16. Oh i see, well what i was saying is that a puzzle cant solve itself. A piece of a puzzle being part of said puzzle, cant solve the puzzle lol. Meaning we wont really ever figure out whats going on here.
  17. also we need to accept that possibly the universe just existence and plays by its own rules and has just always been here no matter how un comprehendable we as humans make the idea may
  18. sorry to double post BUT WHAT IF we are atoms that make up the piece to a PUZZLE that me a real good mind fuck wouldnt it
  19. #19 Bob Loblaw Law, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2011
    Think about this: The universe began as something infinitely small, smaller than anything you can see or imagine. And, it somehow became what it is today. So why can't it be ever-expanding? I mean, isn't is just amazing that the right amount of this combined with the right amount of that in just the perfect way to create life?
  20. Damn I like coming to weed forums and learning more than I'd learn at any other forum. Its an incredible drug.

    OT: I wish we could know more about the universe. Its the most important thing that we should focus on.

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