Ok, REALLY new to all this. Help and Sugestions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CommieNerd, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Ok, we now have a free room in our apartment and Im toying with the idea of growing. I thought maybe one or two pots, and using the sunlight coming from our window in that room. It has a shade that lets in light and not peeping neighbors. Between that and CFL lights, is this going to be ok?

    Ive seen carbon scrubbers mentioned to get rid of the smell. What is the smell like? Is it offensive and irritating? What is a carbon scrubber?

    How do I get seeds for certain strains? (interested in pain management and Kushberry) How do I get them without the cops knowing? My uncle got busted for receiving hash and had to do hard time (7 years).

    How do I even get hold of any to see if this is really worth it? Like I said, Im new to all this... Ive never been offered it in my life...
  2. First and foremost, and others will tell you differently, but an apartment is not a secure place to grow. You don't have the same privacy rights in an apartment as a homeowner does because your rights have to be balanced against your landlord's rights to protect his property. You have neighbors much too close. You are restricted in terms of ventilation options. Just not a good idea. If you've had a bust in your family then you should know better than anyone that taking too big a risk isn't worth it.

    Light through a window is not enough to grow decent MJ.

    The odor is very strong, pungent, and penetrating. It can seep through walls. A carbon scrubber is an air filter that cleanses the air by passing it through activated carbon. Requires a closed ventilation system with decent, quiet fan.

    Seeds are sold by seedbanks, there's a whole forum on that subject here at GC.
  3. And to piggy back on Toasty about apartment grows...

    Another user here on GC had to destroy their grow due to the Apartment doing maintenance in all the apartments. So since at any time a apartment employee can enter your apartment to do inspections & maintenance its not a very secure place unless you could so some amazing stealth action.

    Can it be done? Yes.
    Should it be done? I wouldn't...
  4. On some occasions the landlord/maintenance can enter without warning, which a lot of apartment growers argue isn't the case but oh yes it is. But as we have seen before on here, even with 24-hour warning it's a very risky scramble to try to move your grow out of the way. If it's 1-2 plants in a disguised bureau and there is zero noise and zero odor and maintenance doesn't need to move that bureau, then maybe that's not too much risk. But more often you hear folks panicking about moving large plants out of their place without being seen, where to put them, how to maintain temps and light cycles and odor control, etc. A lot of these times the best answer is to trash the grow, which is a good reason to not start it in an apartment in the first place.
  5. I've been there done that, never will again. Op you ask to many question to be trying this in apartment. My option u shouldnt!!!!!!!!!

    from the dungeon
  6. What do you mean I ask too many questions? I was thinking of doing it in a dresser, but just the BUILD is a huge thing. Would be so much easier in a garage or something. Wow, is the smell that bad?
  7. Depending on the strain. I think all apartment growers should first build their grow and instead of growing pot at first grow some strawberries or something. If they get interrupted or get noticed by apartment management then bad idea to grow herb; but if no interruption then at least you will go into it with less paranoia.

    Good luck either way man!

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