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ok newbie questions: whats the diff between hash and kief

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nakedturtle, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. do you smoke both or what do you do with them?

    i have a bunch of kief, can i turn it into hash?
  2. #2 Dude Man, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    I believe hash is, in a sense, a form of pressed THC, whereas kief is the powder made up of THC-ridden bits of pollen that come off the buds, as when ground up using a grinder.

    You'll find a guide on how to press kief into hash here:

    Kief is also great for topping off joints/blunts/bowls, or if you have enough, you can pack a full kief bowl and get blasted. :smoke:
  3. are you asking what kief is?
  4. Kief is made up of the trichomes (the little crystals) on weed. Hash is made from pressing and processing this kief.
  5. I just did that. Man its good. And like everyone else is saying kief-dry sift from bud while hash is pressed kief for a more convenient consistency.
  6. KEif is the trichomes from marijuana that come off in your grinder.
    Hash is the product of a trichome extraction using isoproly, alcohol, butane, water or whatever the extracting agent may be.
  7. you can turn kief is pre hash. collect the kief and make some dope hash

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