Yea, i know this isnt a medical forum, but im just wondering if i should tell my doctor tommorow during my appointment to ask about why ive been having acid reflux and diarrhea and constant burping (maybe and ulcer?). So basically, my body is warm, but my balls are hanging and cold. And they hurt pretty bad. They also feel hard and look swollen (unless i havent looked at them for a while and they just got big. Basically the size of golf balls which completely shocked me. Weird thing is my dick is basically shriveled and small. I dont know if its the cold causing this, but its freaking me the fuck out.'re probably right. Ill laugh my ass off if my doctor tells me i have golf balls disease tommorow
ill tell the doc...I dont want him to fondle my balls though but if it means i can sleep at night and not worry about this then gosh darnit it fondle my balls all you want.
Definitely get it checked. It may be nothing or it could be something like edpididymitis. When I was a teen, I had severe pain in my testicles but did not want to have it checked. I finally agreed to go to the doctor and ended up getting an express ride to the hospital to fix an issue with my testicles. I now have a nice scar on my nuts, but it could have been worse.