Jack herer...ya the leaves are losing there green color and turning pale the bottom nugs are big I’m just hoping for me density maybe I should chop the top and leave the bottom a few more days
It was a free seed from seeds man it’s either a jack herer or a Bruce banger I don’t know actually lol ...
Should I cut the whole plant down and hang it or seperate the stems when I hang them ? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I cut the top first and gonna leave the bottom 2 more days maybe won’t that make them dry fast and give me a hay smell that’s what I’m tryna prevent by major leaves are u talking about just the fan leaves or the big sugars as well ? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Foreal? Damn I suck I just cut that off I still have most the plant ... shit lol how much will it affect the smoke Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum