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OJ Simpson arrested for armed robbery

Discussion in 'General' started by ondrugz, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. hahaha i guess he broke into some casino in Las Vegas to steal some of HIS memorbillia, i hope the judge gives him the maximum sentence since he got away with murder already
  2. Yea i saw that on TV this morning. I hope his lawyer can't bail him out of this one.
  3. He would have gotten away with it to if he didnt drive the same white Bronco from the scene.;)

  4. what a dumbass
  5. Yeh, FUCK OJ. Dude was definatly guilty of murder. And I said that to my recruiter ( whose black). We had a nice debate, lol.
  6. I think most black people know that OJ was guilty. They were just happy to see him get off because it helps offset all the innocent black guys that have been convicted by racist jurys. OJ probably wont get away this time. He doesnt have the cash to buy an elite legal team like he did last time. The dude is so broke that he wrote a book about how he would have killed the mother of his children and tried to steal memorabilia.
  7. Haha I must say dude got balls
  8. What a fuckin idiot.
  9. karma sure is a bitch...
  10. from what i've read he wasn't really a big part of it apparently he didn't have a gun and the guy who had a gun lied to him or something

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