I am taking a low dose of SSRI- Zoloft, I have a little history of anxiety, I received an Bcann oil with 28% CBD and 1% thc and flowering of 20cbd and T1 (Cantare) CBD reach sativa for a vaporizer. I'm really new at this and afraid of interactions or an anxiety attack, I thought I might take Zoloft any other day & in between the oil first then the vap.would love to hear your thoughts
i stopped having anxiety few years before using. heard many people use CBD for it. is that hemp? no idea on Israel laws.
Most all CBD strains are certain Sativa strains because the have low THC and high CBC content. Israel is the world leader in Cannabis research from 1955 The first country to start researching cannabis for medical applications in the world.
Spammers come from all places around the world to flood this site with crap, also i believe GC is based in the Netherlands. Grasscity is located in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands,.
But i posted this tread, what spammer?? just want peace of mind & afraid of CBD (with 1% thc) / SSRI interactions
probally a better idea to use the prescribed table , when you just take as you please the drug can make you more depressed than you already are, i know you say anxiety but the drug is also for depression, take regular mate , psych drugs arent any think to just play as you please . not taking as prescribed by your doctor can lead to serious consequences , not good ones either mate
your heart mate , i mention my own for a reference , myself im loving my second chance, peace be with you mate