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Oh yeah, thats right, gotta work

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Newstyle, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Just took 3 rips off my bubbler, and my phone vibrates, work reminder. I forgot, I work at a grocery store while I finish school, so I don't think it'll make problems. And I live in WI, with the superbowl and all, I think the store will be dead tonight.

    Anybody else ever do this? Stories?
  2. I know so many people who work at grocery stores and are always ripped at work.

    As long as you don't act like a retard and do your "work" (probably putting food on the racks haha) its all good
  3. Being blazed while working retail is awesome. Used to blaze with my buddy in the parking lot on lunch and then we'd go inside and stock the milk in the dairy case while high as fuck. Turned the most mundane work into the most awesome.
  4. I could have so much fun blazed in an empty grocery store. Hope you have some buddies that work there too...:D
  5. Its a small store, so I do anything from checking people, to stocking, and cleaning when its closing time. We got done early tonight because of the superbowl, and everything was alright. It wasn't a mistake, it was the best. lol

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