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Oh the irony.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Justweed, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. So I smoke weed in my house just about every night. My mom knows I've "tried" weed but I'm pretty sure she thinks I don't do it regularly. All through my child hood this woman told my sister and I she has an amazing sense of smell and normally any time something would burn in our house (food) she'd smell it. These days, I can smoke a bowl, and 20 minutes later she can walk in and not notice.
    The irony? A few weeks back, as I was leaving to pick up an O, she comes home wearing a DARE T-Shirt. I totally forgot that she's a DARE teacher person. I was raised for 18 years by a drug prohibitionist, who taught me to hate weed. I now embrace the stuff, and am I'm also a strong supporter of legalization. She teaches lies and propaganda about the stuff, I teach my friends the truth about it.

    Don'tchya love irony?
  2. So together you guys are neutral. That has to be a bit tough though.
  3. How did you forget that your mom's a DARE teacher? Lay off the weed (;

    But seriously, that does suck. At least when i told my parents I smoked weed I figured I had a decend shot of them not caring. But you got no chance in hell.

    (by the way, they did care.)
  4. I smell a sitcom :)
  5. I forgot because I rarely see my mom (I'm either out, or I'm in my room on the net) and the only reason I remembered was because I was leaving to pick up and she made me give her a hug. And then I noticed her new DARE T-Shirt and she said she had just got back from doing a meeting or some shit.

    When I told her I was actually telling a doctor. I don't remember her reaction since I was delirious from dehydration, the flu, and mono (all at once! :D) and we haven't talked about it since.

    I'm expecting a tense but expected reaction when I tell her/she finds out I do it more then just to test the waters. My sister used to smoke, and she drinks casually, so it's not like this kind of thing is unknown to my family.

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