Dewd. A friend of mine is coming down with some kinda respiratory infection (not sure what, waiting on labs) and got prescriped a liter of drank. Doubt any will be left, but I figured i'd post the results once she's downed some. prolly won't be as fun since she's actually sick as a dog. But the infamous purple drank is now something i've seen!
Mmm, I like drank. I got some when I was sick, and I used half, saved half, and then asked for more, which they gave me. That's what she should do.
Asking more after a liter? That will sound like drug-seeking behavior to most doctors, depending on the length of her illness.
I suppose that's true. I didn't think about that. See, I had pneumonia and bronchitis and it lasted for three months. But if she's only sick for a little while, I guess that won't work. My bad.
god damn if i had a pint i could sell it for like 600 here...drank costs SO much now, i know people that'll pay 100+ for 2oz
yea man that shit is stupid especially when you can get a oc for 20$ that will fuck you up way harder
That's just what I was thinking. I wouldn't compare it quite to OC since it's more sedative whereas OC is more of a rush; but for $100 for a deuce that would be like nothing to me, I can get (usually, hate junkies) enough Dilaudid to be comatose. $100 or more is a lot to be spending on something that's you're gonna do all yourself, it's pure economics, that's just a mad inflated price. I can only guess it's because it got so popular in TX Docs quit prescribing it so much.