my plant is 36 inches tall right was doing wonderfull till the other day. i woke up in the morning and went to check on her....she had wilty leaves and brown spots on around 5-6 leaves those brown spots feel crusty like dead spots. i just stopped using blood meal tea that i made in a gallon, about 2 weeks ago. i water my plant with a gallon of water every 3 days or 2 days. i live in california and its very hot. but the other day i flushed the crap out of my pot with like 3 gallons of water and the next morning the leaves werent wilty no more. they rose back up... now my problem is....what are the brown spots? looks kinda like phosphorus defeciency. or maybe something else?? i just bought some bone meal so let me know if any of you can help me out
im using organic choice miracle grow for potted plants. its a organic mix that mg makes. its not bad like the original one. also mg perlite. and i was using blood meal tea for a while. but once it started making alot of hairs , i stopped the blood meal. i havent used bone meal yet but im going to start tomorrow. i also got some liquid 8-14-9 african violet plus.
MG Perlite has MG plant food infused into it. The heavy flushing probably caused an over abundance of nutes to be released. I made that mistake with the same perlite. Try plain, pH adjusted water next time it drys out. Peace
how do i check the ph of my water?? and what is the correct ph for outdoor potted plants? i just use filtered fridge water and mix it half with sink water.
General Hydroponics has a pH adjustment kit with everything you need for about $15.00 Adjust your solution to 6.5 and check the runoff pH from your drip tray. It will probably be a little lower than what went in. Adjust your soulution again so your runoff is about 6.5. See if your plant likes that.