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Oh Noes Slippy Broke!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PunnKubb, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Piece Nicknamed Slippy (after the starfox one ;)) broke after High me dropped it :(
    actually it was the inner tube the frog is on, it just snapped off


    obviously it still works but it has lost its magic :(

    Could it be saved or is it time to window shop?

    cheers! :wave:
  2. hard to say without seeing the whole thing but seems like fixing it would be like building a ship in a bottle. Sorry dude

  3. well it pretty much stops dead before it reaches the other end and hung in mid air, i figured itd be next to impossible and gettin it out even in pieces far from optional too, guess in the end it only looked nice but way too fragile, time to invest on a bong :hello:

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