Oh my days what a fucking NIGHT!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mr Stoned, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Mr Stoned, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2010
    Yeah so Saturday I took a gram of mephedrone to this nightclub called Stealth where Jamie Fanatic was playing. It was just absolutely unbelievable on every level. It was basically 10-5am so by the time I got there I was wired out of my skull and just literally couldn't stop dancing. I like methedrone though, it gives you amazing euphoric energy but at the same time it doesn't destroy your wits or inhibition like alcohol does. I was still strolling around chatting up girls, the only difference being I'd walk away after a short period because literally ALL I wanted to do was dance my ass off and knew I would never be able to get it up if I took one home (pilly willy sucks). But yeah it was an unbelievable night and absolutely nothing bad happened. Jamie Fanatic was fucking RAW! He played like 12-4am and all I can describe him as really is like a hybrid between techno and dubstep with maybe a little funky house thrown in, but all built around HARD ROLLING BASS!!

    Here's a 10 minute of Jaimie Fanatic, 30 seconds in man it goes fucking insane. Just imagine that wired out your skull on mpehedrone, alcohol and cannabis with an incredible sound system pumping it through your body and you've got some idea of what it was like.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFFOfwOojls"]YouTube- Jaimie Fanatic - Internal EP (Promo)[/ame]

    The crowning moment was having a joint IN THE CLUB at 4.55am to JEHOVA by RUSKO which is my favourite dubstep tune ever (for the last hour they just played one of Rob Sparx's DJ sets which was an excellent choice). The bouncer only put a stop to it when it was roach tokes and didn't even kick me out, was fucking epic. Seriously, the joint to Jehova was one of the very best moments of my life.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsQMpJ5lURQ]YouTube - Rusko - Jahova[/ame]

    Oh yeah, and here's the club website. It's a SICK place, really grimy (in a good way) and underground with an electric but intimate atmosphere.

    Stealth, Nottingham
  2. You mean mephedrone, right?

    Have you never had a joint in a club?!
  3. Yeah course I have man, I've been to several heavy D&B nights in Birmingham such as last new years eve LEGENDARY Q club bananza, but that was back before I became more open minded about drugs like mcat. So on them nights I've been so wasted I havent appreciated it or the music thats on. I guess I should have mentioned that my ultimate dream for a dub night out would be to cain a fat spliff to Jehova in the club wired as hell and thats why it was my crowning moment of the night.
  4. Isn't mephadrone the same thing as extasy?
  5. Nah it's legal for a start, plus you snort it. I suppose the effects are pretty similar, just less intense. I've never done ecstacy though so I wouldn't really know.
  6. At lets go crazy one time (Some 16+ thing in SeOne) everyone was smoking a joint, quards,dj's all of them.

    and alloww rusko u wanna be listening to some real dubstep

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIEZMrBcZPo]YouTube - DATSIK - APPLES[/ame]
  7. Sick tune man
  8. Edit, put a Jaimie Fanatic mix up so people can listen to him. He is fucking raw man, I'd love to see him again.

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