the sesame plant is so beautiful!! i had to take a look causeim listening to some live show of mitch hedberg in congress theater where he ponders what plant the sesame seed comes from, it's never been given a chance... look how wonderful it is... eye candy if you ask me.
I like Mitchy-poo Gimmi about 20 minuts and ill have the "Mitch All Together" for you all to listen to.
Here you go ppl Enjoy! Mitch All Together 01 This CD is in Stores.mp3 02 Sandwiches.mp3 03 Not Track Five_ Not Chai.mp3 04 Teeth.mp3 05 Candy Bars.mp3 06 Houses.mp3 07 Pop.mp3 08 The Pipe.mp3 09 Business Cards.mp3 10 Sesame Seeds.mp3 11 Three Easy Payments.mp3 12 Arrows.mp3 13 Saved by the Buoyancy of.mp3 14 Mitch in the S_th.mp3 15 Bed and Breakfast.mp3 16 X.mp3 17 Movie Pot.mp3 Get it while its HOT!