Oh how i miss the old GrassCity

Discussion in 'General' started by DrazyHaze, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Often times I think to myself while browsing, "wow, what happened to the old GC?"

    Something about it was so awesome. Probably because it wasn't full of 4000 of the same threads just remade or renamed or all the children.
    Or the help my mom caught me threads.

    It once seemed like a noble and almost....high class forum. Also much less bickering and less arguments.

    Overall maturity level seemed higher.

    Well. One can always dream right ?
  2. These threads are a dime a dozen as well..a bit ironic?:rolleyes:
  3. More popularity + more people = more problems.
  4. [quote name='"LSDForPeace"']These threads are a dime a dozen as well..a bit ironic?:rolleyes:[/quote]

    Irony at its best. I try my best, but sometimes i rage and send lots of negative vibes lol.

    Also, I made Diamond in Starcrafy 2 I'm happy.

    And I love tits

  5. Don't worry, the 'old' GC will be back in September... when school starts up again. :p

    Being here since 2009, I'd have thought you would have picked up on that pattern by now! :D

  6. [​IMG]
  7. [quote name='"BadKittySmiles"']

    Don't worry, the 'old' GC will be back in September... when school starts up again. :p

    Being here since 2009, I'd have thought you would have picked up on that pattern by now! :D[/quote]

    Hahaha this made me lol.

    And so did the .gif haha too funny.
  8. Its usually because its summer, and all of the underagers creep out.

    Just gotta make fun of em' and move on, don't turn back...:smoke:
  9. It's really not that much different than when I joined. Just more users.
  10. Yeah I wasn't around back in the golden days. Sometimes when I'm using the search I come across a thread from like 2001. Its pretty sweet looking at threads from back when I was a little derp.

  11. Just like mo money mo problems. aint that shit right :rolleyes:.
  12. Honestly, life is what you make of it as well as this forum.

    I take the optimistic route and I try to make this GC more down-to-earth through my contributions to threads.

    I advise you to do the same OP.
  13. I like high ranting videos. Yet I never see them. Lol idk maybe thats cuz I'm stoned and i like when people come up with things that high kids like. Its become too much of a questions of weed and problems type thing, rather then a collection of high people all looking to share thoughts...
  14. Lol its all the kids ranting about their parents on here :hello::smoke::smoke:
  15. *looks at join date* man if you think 09 was a good year you have no clue what GC really was back in the day.
  16. I just wish I was here when other drug talk was allowed.:(
  17. I miss the dead hours thread a lot, but it had to go. There are sadly too many 15 year old wannabes with brand new laptops nowadays to fill this place with trolls.

  18. Says Flemian from '06 ;-).

    Things change, gotta move with the times or get left behind.
    Its probably just a ratio thing, probably not more arguments per post but more posts now!
    Heck a shit load of the old blades I knew well have been banned over the years. Nothing changes just gets bigger and louder.
  19. It's safe to assume that OP may have had a previous account, who knows. Either way, only major changes that I can recall is what has been done to the box. Everything else seems the same. Still a pretty tight knit community.

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