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Oh god

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by olylongbord11, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Currently stuck in a public bathroom and block away until my eyes are good. And there's people talking outside. Oh boy.
  2. you're freaking out just go home
  3. Hahah, what man? Just mellow out brother, collect your head and go home.
  4. ha this happenes to me before and then it turned out it was another friend that smelled the smoke from the bathroom at this park and automatically knew it was me, and decided to freak the shit outa me an some other kids that stayed in there like wtf???! ha he made all these shit noises from the next bathroom and we laughed our asses of thinkin some guy just dropped a huge d
  5. wait... public bathroom where? because i hear certain public bathrooms have red eye alerts and inform the police when someone with stoner eyes gets on the crapper so they can reduce public toking
  6. Dude you better get out of there seeing how every 30 minutes the police raid public bathrooms to check for people who are high
  7. hahahaha
    oh my fuckin god
    FCW i read this sobered up:D
    that shit was so freaky lol
  8. wow you musta been high I want some!
  9. I was so high, i was so scared.
    I had some of this super dank from my dealer, its as dense as rocks and we smoked 2 bowls of it.... omfg
  10. Wait wat. I have no idea what you meant in your OP.
  11. God can't save you now, you're on your own from here chief.
  12. I was stuck in this public bathroom about the size of a normal sized bedroom, in a parking lot across the street from my summer job, a block away from my house. And iw as gonna sit in there jamming to music until my eyes were clear enough to go home. THen i heard people starting to pull up in trucks and talking n what not, probably drinking. Then when i went to leave, there was no one outside, but i never heard them leave
  13. I actually completely forgot i posted this until i came home and checked my subscriptions, and saw that then iw as like "oh yeah!"
  14. That sounds "in tents". Good thing you weren't too far away from home.
  15. yea really, i knew the place and i knew where i could run worst case scenario.
  16. Put some water in your eyes.
  17. I used vizine, shit made it worse

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