Yesterday, me and my friend had smoked the most dank shit ever. He had some OG Kush and I had some G13xLemonhaze. We mixed it into his bowl and it was so amazing. We went into the woods walked down a trail smoking it. We later wen to our friends house and he said his mom was leaving soon. Before we even went up his stairs his mom came back.She did this three times because me and m friend mike looked setch and she didn't know us. The mom did't trust us so she locked our friend out of his house. She finally left! We went on his back porch and smoked all of of it. I was so high when I looked at the clouds they started turning into cartoons! I went home only to eat everything in my fridge. I concluded then to put lots of snacks under my bed, 8 waters, and a gallon of juice.. Awesome night. Any cool experiences?? ~HxCBlazer Toke On...