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**official thizzle ratings thread**

Discussion in 'General' started by JohnnyWeedSeed, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. i know we got a shit ton of threads talkin about various pills but i wanna make a nice simple thread comprised of nothing more to each post than a. where you got the pill, b. what color/colors, c. what was printed on it, and d. rate it 1-10. this way there is no long conversations filling the thread and if you wanna know how good a certain thizzle is you just look it up. kinda like pillreports made by gc. lets give this a try.


    white rolex (crown logo)-10
    orange rolex (double R logo)-8.5
    blue/pink paw prints- 10 totally bomb!
    blue mercadies- 7
    red XXX- 4
    red transformers- 9
    green aim guy- 4.5
    red DD- 1 fuck them things, 3 didint even roll
  2. Detroit

    Pink Melody - sucks, maybe a 3
    Green Penguin - mild roll. nothing fantastic 5
    Blue Diamond - good roll 8
    Orange Strawberry - good roll 8
    Green Diamond - i rolled my testicales off 10
  3. Phoenix Arizona,
    Pills out of San Fransisco

    Pink Bic aka Pink Incredibles (with some kind of glitter in them) - 9 -
    --Tripped balls off 1. This pill was visual as hell. I stared at a trashcan with out blinking, smokin a cig for a good 45 minutes at the mall. High for a WHILE on this pill--

    Purple Jap's (japanese symbol of some kind) - 2 -
    --I took 3 and barely rolled for 30 minutes, if that--

    Blue G Spot (G Imprinted on it) -8-
    When I took one, it didnt hit me. Thought it might be fake, got home later and popped 2. I rolled HARD.

    Other Pills:

    Blue Puma's -9-
    Red Nike's (Didnt try em. My boy did)
    Blue Bathing Apes -8-
    Platinum Butterflies -8-
  4. N. Myrtle Beach

    Yellow Crown Royale - 6 too twitchy for me
    White Motorola- 2 not even X lol
    Midnight Blue Dolphins- 10 always good X
    Light Blue 007- 7 very very trippy
  5. California [ Fresno ]

    White Ladies (got a "mudflap girl" imprinted in 'em - 10 [Best Pill i've Ever had the pleasure of rollin on]

    Red naked Ladies - 0 [took 3 and felt nothing, this new batch BLOWS]

    Grey Spiders - 8 [bad comedown, but nice high]

    red transformers - 9 [Try having sex as
    soon as you pop the pills all the way through the roll, til the very end. Aphrodisiac fa sho]

    White hearts - 7 [nothin special, but you get your high]

    Blue Dolhpins - 8 [ somewhat overrated, but still gets puts your thizzle face on]

    Yellow Playboys - 8.5 [ You'll be yellin YEEEE!, yadadamean!?]

    Green Gucci's - 9 [ I had my first threesome with two gorgeous girls on 6 of these pills :D ]
  6. Philadelphia area:

    Green Omegas
    Imprinted With: The Omega Symbol.
    Rating: 10 (They were molly's)
    Ate: 2, then another 2, then another 1 (Various days)
    [THE best pills I've ever eaten. 2 of them had me rolled out for a full day when spacing the doses out a couple hours].

    Orange Clovers
    Imprinted With: Clovers
    Rating: 3
    Ate: Various amounts spread out over a few weeks (ranging from 1 to 3).
    [Kinda crappy, tweaky roll. I doubt there was any MDMA in 'em at all].

    Green Smilies
    Imprinted With: Smiley Faces
    Rating: 9
    Ate: 3 and went to work at McD's.
    [Extremely good mood. I loved everybody and every thing. Roll lasted a good while, with mild hallucinations].

    Blue Scorpions
    Imprinted With: Scorpion
    Rating: 7.5
    Ate: 1 (And a quarter of mushrooms).
    [Kinda like the smilies, but not as long lasting].

    Grey Mitsubishi's
    Imprinted With: The Mitsubishi Symbol
    Rating: 7
    Ate: Various amounts over a month or so (Usually 2 at a time).
    [Was a pretty decent roll. Nothing great, but not bunk, either].

    Red Armani's (sp?)
    Imprinted With: A's
    Rating 6
    Ate: 3
    [Eh... I wouldn't buy them again].

    Mystery Pill
    Imprinted With: Nothing, Plain White
    Rating 8
    Ate: 1/2 A Pill
    [My first roll ever. Half a pill had me pretty effed up for a good while].

    White Sunflowers
    Imprinted With: Sunflower
    Rating: 10 (Also Molly's)
    Ate: 2.5 (Also ate one of the Green Pi's from below).
    [Had me and my boys so rolled out that we were breaking up weed and rolling blunts right in McD's lobby, while it was open, and there were a shit load of cops across the street in the grocery stores' parking lot)].

    Green Pi's
    Imprinted With: Pi Symbol
    Ate: 1 once (^^With The Sunflowers From Above^^), 2 another time
    [I'm thinking these were mixed with meth. I ate 2 and went clubbing and didn't come down for 2 and a half days].

    Damn... I've eaten a good amount of E pills, lol... I didn't realize it was as much as it was :p
  7. chicago

    blue monkeys- 1 total garbage. maby no mdma in em.
  8. Haha, I'm from Detroit, I had some white diamonds and was rolling balls.

    Louis Batton - pretty damn good 9
    White Diamond - rolling balls too 9
    Blue Mercedes - crazy but didn't take as many 8

    I dunno... i think all my are gonna be in the 8-9 range... Iv had some shitty ones before that I won't mention.

    Used to get ones from the D that had a bunch of different colors/designs, but my fav was the green with the pot leaf.
  9. Chicago

    Green Rolex (Crown symbol) - 7
    Blue/Pink Paws - 10
  10. Michigan (Detroit).

    Pink Nikes
    Imprinted With: Nike Symbol
    Rating: 3
    Ate: 2
    [Terrible. I dont know why i didnt roll, Got them from a friend who claimed they were bomb].

    Yellow Pumas
    Imprinted With: Puma
    Rating: 9
    Ate: 4
    [best roll i ever had].

    Yellow Mercedes
    Imprinted With: Mercedes Logo
    Rating: 9
    Ate: 2
    [real good roll. high in mdma?].
  11. bump

    this could become a very good thread comon blades
  12. Washington state

    Red Bacardis - 7 (took 2, 1 did nothing)
    Peach Bacardis - 8 (took 1 and 1/2, didn't feel cracked out the next day)
    Molly - 10 (took 1, pure MDMA, best night ever)
  13. Michigan

    Blue Omegas - 10 (took 3 and rolled fucking balls rofl the best ive had)
  14. okay so im about to indulge myself in to thizz lovely white poke-a-dot blue (i know!) extacy pill and im really excited... it has a mud flap girl on one side and a ".G" on the other... smells like back tommorow for the richtor scale.. WESTSIDE
  15. kansas - i had a green apple for my first time...I had loads of fun. Also I had some blue ferarris that were REAL good

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