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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ChefGreenthumb, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 ChefGreenthumb, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Hey GC...this is your very own tee dot oh collection of the finest strains that are roaming these streets.

    If you're from TORONTO, and u've got some crazy ass them BUDS up!

    i'll start by uploading my crappy pics.

    Will be getting a better camera

    in the meantime...some

    PURPLE KUSH (OH Canada!)



    some macro'd images with a better camera


    That saaaaame PURP KUSH
  2. $70 a 1/4 oz.




    Has that COFFEE mixed in with SKUNK smell and the distinct KUSH taste...
  3. Lookin good bru! Gotta love that kush taste.
  4. mmm i a fat kid loves cake
  5. ouch 70$ for a qaurter,ouch,looks like mids at best
  6. New Pickup...had to bump this thread

    looks like Bubba is back at it again..mostly indica cuz my eyes are droooped


  7. Yeah that's some tasty looking stuff. Enjoy!
  8. it is some mighty tasty's some glass on glass crime right there....
  9. heres some stuff that looks exactly like your second guelph btw:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  10. it does look similar...we could be smoking from the same harvest!

    shit looks mighty fiiine...smoke on brotha!

    hope u just as high as me....:smoke:
  11. Holy crap look at this dank, it looks exactly like yours. Im in York Region :) It had the same kind of leaves on it and everything

    Attached Files:

  12. MIDS???

    that shit looks FIRE
    I bet it smells fucking BOMB too.

    $70 /quarter is average for dank here man. +rep for being canadian Tdot

    most quarters of mids are $50-55...$60 at most

    looks good bud keep smokin:smoke:

  13. yeeee broo....but yours looks better up be the same strain tho...

    need a better link :confused:

  14. yeah man...those pictures did no justice to those was some FIRE...

    $70 a quarter is still to the higher end...depends on how much the guy has too...

    need some BC prices down here...:D
  15. Ha bro I', right in North York, just picked up some no-name kush, very skunky

  16. smoke that sticky icky icky...oooo weee...

  17. put it in tha urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......sorry the macro on my cam sucks

    Attached Files:

  18. those are some frosty asss nuggets. musta been a good smoke!

    im jealous:hello:
  19. Morning Wake and Bake

    Unknown Kush...i think it's Purple Kush...


    And two of these bad boys....They are reverse decadent cookies made wih Cannabutter.



    Gonna be one great morning
  20. I've had some OG that looked pretty much the same and it was some KILLER. Looks just as dense as mine was too. Good shit.

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