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*Official* Road rage thread..

Discussion in 'General' started by yoman1289, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. so the other day I was riding shotgun with my stepdad....we were going down this weird road that has 3 lanes going one way and 1 oncoming lane. well my stepdad spots some guy who must've thought it was a 2 by 2 street, even though there are bright yellow lines to distinguish such he rolls down his window, sticks his head all the way out and right as they pass eachother, he yells "WRONG LANE DUMBASS!"

    also whenever someone behind me switches lanes, floors it, and posts right in front of me....ill make it a lifegoal to do the same to them. its such a dickmove to pull when theres 2 lanes and they couldve just stayed in the other lane im not occupying, but ofc they have to cut me off. sometimes when I know they're going to do it, i'll accelerate right as theyre trying to cut in front of me, and make deadly eye contact to show em I mean business....bitch, im always first!!
  2. i have pretty gnarly road rage. you better not ever hog the left lane if i'm on the road. i'll tailgate you pretty fucking hard and if you dont move, i'll cut you off so fucking close it's not even funny. thennn i'll slow wayyyy down. speed limit 60? you and i will be doing 30. then i;ll brake check you and speed away.

    if you cut me off you better believe i'm going to cut you off worse, and prolly brake check you.

    youre in front of me turning right and you didnt turn on your blinker? if i'm in a hurry going somewhere, i;ll just honk a ridiculous amount at you and possinly throw something at your car if i have something. if i'm not supposed to be anywhere, i;'ll honk like crazy and follow you for awhile.

    but when im high i dont give a fuck
  3. You would probably get shot where I live

  4. not if i shoot first. allllways keep my .45 under my seat.
  5. Road rage isn't cool this is how you morons cause accidents and get lots of people killed, just back off and get as far away as possible.
  6. Myself, I smoke way to much meds to be angry on the road, and pay way to much in insurance to speed or fuck around.

    take your time wherever your going. Lifes to short.
  7. HTML:

    I'd love to see you try that on the 110 and 5 freeway in south central.

    For about a month there was a killing almost daily for the exact thing, still happens but not as much.
  8. I'm from massachusetts, everyone here drives "agressively" if you didn't you wouldn't get anywhere. I have to be careful in other places because otherwise id probably get pulled over for what is normal here. Maybe some people would say we were too agressive but its normal here.

    The only time I've gotten really angry was the other day someone almost killed me because they ran a stop sign, my only option was to slam on my breaks because I was on a two way road and had no place to go. I was so scared after I almost pulled over. I held my horn at the asshole and gave him the finger because the guy almost hit me directly on the side and I would've been fucked. I had the temptation to get out of the car at a red light lol but I didn't. I breathed slow and calmed my self down gave him a few honks when I turned and gave him the finger again....
  9. [quote name='"treelover"']I'm from massachusetts, everyone here drives "agressively" if you didn't you wouldn't get anywhere. I have to be careful in other places because otherwise id probably get pulled over for what is normal here. Maybe some people would say we were too agressive but its normal here.

    The only time I've gotten really angry was the other day someone almost killed me running a stop sign, my only option was to slam on my breaks because I was on a two way road and had no place to go. I was so scared after I almost pulled over. I held my horn at the asshole and gave him the finger because the guy almost hit me directly on the side and I would've been fucked. I had the temptation to get out of the car at a red light lol but I didn't. I breathed slow and calmed my self down gave him a few honks when I turned and gave him the finger again....[/quote]

    grassachusettes drivers suck. going from NH anywhere south of where i live (manchester) seems every other car is from mass... fucking inconsiderate drivers hahahaha.
  10. #12 Shanx420, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2011
    I don't usually rage while driving unless other people rage at me, it pisses me off SO MUCH. It bothers me for the whole day and I just think about how I would beat the fucking shit out of them if I had the chance. Fuckin pussies get road rage because they know they're safe in their fucking car. Makes me wanna push them off the road. If someone flips you off while driving you should be allowed to fuck them up.

    Seriously, wouldn't that be awesome if that was okay to do? They'd have no idea what the fuck to do. They flip you off like ehh fuck that guy, and next they know you're driving them off the road and then your out your car smashing their car all up and they're like ahh what do I do? and no one cares because he gave the finger so he deserves it. Fuckin bitch!
  11. [quote name='"THCandroid"']

    grassachusettes drivers suck. going from NH anywhere south of where i live (manchester) seems every other car is from mass... fucking inconsiderate drivers hahahaha.[/quote]

    We are super rude, but the thing is I feel like people actually ususally know what there doing..see everytime I go to rhode island...they just seem oblivious. Like they aren't even paying attention. The last two times I drove to TF green airport I almost got killed. One lady started to change lanes without even looking and almost hit me. So I held my horn so she realized how stupid she was being..then I look in the review and she starts to change lanes without looking again..and almost hits someone else *facepalm*
    No offense RI blades because I've had some encounters with dick drivers all over my state but it seems like the bad ones aren't dven dicks in ri..they are just in la la land.
    Anyway new hampshire is a lot calmer then like drving through boston on 495 or 3 lol. I've driven to new hamspire through boston on rt 3..well actuall I made my boyfriend drive because I didn't drive through boston...almost died then too.

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