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Official Phlegm/Smoking Effects Thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Colts, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 Colts, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
    So I decided to open this thread in light of the nasty phlegm build up I have from smoking over the last couple of years. It has gotten to a point where I have to constantly spit out(especially when I am smoking) phlegm. I have tried vaping but don't like the high. I smoke cigarettes on occasions only. I used to smoke often but every other day now. I took one hit from a simple metal pipe and put a tissue there to see what I am inhaling because I felt like some particles had been swallowed. Here's what was filtered in one .15 hit:


    I am smoking a $10 metal pipe(cleaned in iso alcohol + salt) which gets the job done. I have owned a heady bong before but stopped after noticing that bong hits were too big and gave too much flem buildup so its not the pipe. I came across this interesting video which made me think(even though its cigarettes, its still smoking so its bad for the lungs).

    [ame=""]YouTube - Still Smoking? Watch This![/ame]

    Sadly I will have to quit smoking as this(the napkin photo) disgusts me and I can not keep going on with this pet peeve of spitting nasty stuff out. Seasoned tokers, what do you think?

    Feel free to talk about your own situations or anything related to the topic, not just my scenario.

  2. *phlegm


    my old roommate would hack and cough like he'd been sucking on cigarettes for 40 years, he's 23...I think if you're at the point where you notice there's a problem you should probably moderate your use a bit
  3. I smoke out of my pipe more than anything else. I don't know how you can compare this video (cigarettes) to marijuana. Unfair comparison, video proves literally nothing.

    But as much as I run, 3 miles a day, it does not stop me from coughing up nasty yellow thick wads of phlegm throughout the whole day.

    Sucks but that's just one of the (small) cons to weed. IF youre that worried bake edibles or Vape it
  4. Fuck cigs... smoke weed
  5. Vaporizer! :wave:
  6. Invest in a MFLB? or any other vape?
  7. #7 Colts, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
    I'm not but smoking anything is bad for you. I could not find any tests on what weed smoking does to your lungs so I thought I would see what others have to say.

    I am just posting the video because it relates to phlegm.

    Tried it but didn't like it.

    I have tried the da buddha and iolite but no good :mad:.
  8. Oh ok i misunderstood....yeah unfortunately smoking will do that to you.. smoking anything for that matter. Smoke is not good for the lungs...... unfortunately :(
  9. Well weed and cigarettes are different. I wonder how my lungs are from smoking weed.
  10. now you have a wonderful excuse to make edibles all the time :)
  11. That's what I will move on to if it means I will get rid of this pet peeve(spitting phlegm constantly).
  12. weed doesnt contain the chemicals of tobacco, and doesnt produce tar when smoked... the only problem with the bud smoke is the fact your breathing in heated plants, its hardly bad for you
  13. I believe the only thing weed is doing to my lungs is causing me to cough of phlegm. Which, if you don't know already, if you stop smoking for a while, the phlegm disappears. I'm a weed-only smoker. There's never been cases of weed-only smokers developing brown lung syndrome. I also don't believe tar or the marijuana smoke sticks to your lungs and stays there like tobacco.

    Honestly we all know if marijuana was as bad as tobacco, well shit, a good portion of american would be EXTREMELY ill with lung problems.
  14. yes, it will rid you of that issue, but if you want to completely purge yourself of all the excess phlegm you should probably give up that every-other-day ciggy, not trying to be a douche and tell you what to do though (so my apologies if i came off that way! :wave:)
  15. I'd go see a doc personally, have em check your chest out.

    Maybe try a water bong or a little bubbler. Something to filter some of the tar out of the smoke. Can make one for like 5 bucks if u grab some pvc pipe and hit a head-shop for a bowl and stem. Will taste a whole lot better than that pipe too.
  16. I don't mind criticism ;). Yes I know it doesn't help but I am convinced its the mj having the recent effects especially after smoking.

    I had a bong but the hits were to big and hurt my lungs and caused lots of phlegm after taking a big hit. Hopefully this problem will go away after I quit smoking.
  17. I advise trying an MFLB, and using the microhit technique. Too lazy to describe it right now, but if your interested i can explain it later. Basically concentrates the hits and you get nice cloudy thick vapor, it also gives me a huge body stone because of how high of a temp im vaping at, yet its still vapour not smoke.
  18. my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me.

    ive grown up around 2nd hand smoke my entire life. everybody in my family smokes. EVERYBODY. i do not smoke.

    ive played baseball, cross country, track, football, basketball all throughout my k-12 school years.

    Then i discovered weed in college. Ive been smoking it for almost 1 whole year, non stop. My lungs are no worse than before. ive never onced coughed up anything before or after i started smoking weed.

    I think your paranoid.
  19. simple, all you gotta do is quit smoking everything for a few months,start jogging,eating healthier and start drinkonv more water. In a few months i bet you wont cough at all.its all about keeping your body free of toxins while you recover your lungs

  20. I foresee many health problems in the futuree.. Go to a doctor man, its proven second hand cigarette smoke is worse then smoking it.

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