OFFICIAL I just got caught thread

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by pawlywog, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. #61 minamimoto, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2010
    I didn't get caught, but it was closer than I'd like. I think I need to be more careful.

    So all this weekend, friday to sunday, my friend who moved away came to stay with me, therefore we were baked off our asses the entire time. Seriously, we were high for well over 24 hours straight, which is a first for me.

    The thing is, I don't know many people who smoke, so I smoke by myself most of the time, so when I smoke with my favourite people like I got to those days, I get super talkative and loud. I don't bother trying to hide it, since I'm usually alone and more chill, but I realize now that I was very obvious whenever we had to talk to my mom, which fortunately wasn't very often.

    But this morning my mom comes down and is all serious and quiet and shit and I'm kinda terrified, and she's like, "I think you guys were drinking last night." This is bad because I'm still underage for alcohol and she's pretty overprotective. I was like ohhh fuuuck, but thankful that I could tell the truth when denying it since I actually don't like drinking that much. So I was like deny deny deny, and she said the thing that tipped her off besides our unusual behavior was that there was puke on the floor of the bathroom. I can see how that would be suspicious, but the truth is that my friend got awful munchies and ate until she puked. xD I cleaned it up - and this may be tmi for some - it was bright orange from a whole bag of party mix, and also I found some of the enormous poutine she ate all by herself in there lolol.
    Not to mention, the weed (a lot of it, stinky too), pipe and lighters (we had 3 for some reason...) were sitting in a bag on the floor right next to me during this talk. I just grabbed that shit as soon as she was done and ran it up to my room to stash it.

    Besides that though, I had an amazing weekend and am planning on doing it all again in two weeks. So I guess the moral is, avoid parents even more than usual from now on. =p I just know she would be the type to really freak out about it (she used the word "dope" once lol), though she might change her mind if I were to throw all the facts I could get at her. Hopefully that won't be necessary.
  2. this thread, being the strong nostalgic theme that it is, i remembered this...

    a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....
    A good mate of mine stopped by with an 'eight and two fat blunts. we were 16 at the time and acting like it. being hungry and baked, my mate thought that nicking some cd's to sell for his beloved taco bell would be smart. with the promise of nachos and a cherry frozen ice drink-thingy, i was down to be the look out.

    thinking back on it, i don't know why we thought we wouldn't look obvious. :wave:
    he grabbed them i looked out, we booked it through two sets of doors, the 2nd set being locked to catch us. thanks security cameras! then came hand cuffs. they detained us in the security office. searched us, called our parents, and the police. my mom came and picked me up before the cops got there. she claimed my pocket contents, mint box.(with the last joint in it.) they never opened that box. i was lucky. my mate was not. his parents wanted him to suffer for it, didn't come for three hrs.. the police searched him and found the bag of green on him that the guards failed to locate. i just got a fine. my friend got bitch slapped.

    after the whole thing, my friends parents yelled at him for not sharing his pot. wtf?!? i was there when it happened. (his parents were heavy bellied, obvious, and his parents) so, he would not want to smoke them out.

    fun memories....

  3. dude great avatar Radio Moscow kicks major ass
  4. I got about 2 weeks ago. The day before i got caught was the day i found out my mom is blazin that shit up every day. The following day was the day i was caught for taking my moms stash. Shit's been awesome since. :yay:
  5. my dad saw the email from this site that u get when u sign in lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. you share an e-mail account with your dad? ^^
    • Like Like x 2
  7. i still have the aol email that my mom set up for our whole family years ago. she set one up for every family member. its my main email, but because shes the "master" or whatever, she can see the subject and sender for every email. i just made a new one for stuff i dont want her to see. she'll probably monitor it forever. shes kinda nosy. his dad probably has the same thing.

    You're welcome. Some people are so helpless.
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  9. hahahaha thats what i thought too
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  10. But everything is connected to that email pretty much, it would just be a pain in the ass to try and move everything.
  11. I was with a kid that got busted with 4.5 pounds of the sweet stuff.. My life is hell right now.. I miss my love... MARY JANE ): ): ): ): ): ):
  12. if u got caught with him why the FUCK aren't u in jail lol

  13. why didnt you sell the 1/8 along with the other stuff instead of flushing it?
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  14. @boslaz LOL HAHAHAH

    damn i got caught with brownies and about a 1/8 of schwag by parents...not to bright but i still smoke lol

    we almost got caught at a basketball it was like 2 am sketch the cop didnt search us but he knew what was up and just told us to go home, we tossed some good shit and a glass piece...since then im more careful :)
  15. Damn i'm lucky my mom doesn't care:hello:

    this is sort of a "getting caught" story I guess

    Yesterday, my mom came in my room and I was soo fucking baked, like stoned, couldn't move, at all. So she comes in and is all like hey, give me the reeses, so I just stared at her for at least 2 minutes in dead silence then finally after spacing out hard said the classic stoner "wut.."

    my mom knew from the first time I smoked that I smoked, she's a smart cookie, well sometimes..

    there's my super cool that story sucked, I apologize to anyone who read it :laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. So last night I was pretty blazed, Ihad just smoked a bowl and I was chillin with my pops watchin TV.

    Dad- "Kevin what the fuck did you do with that screen in the sink? Oh, I know what you did, its probably in your bowl or bong"

    Me- Hahahahha

    Dad- Just put it back when your done, its a pain in the ass to have to get new screens.

    He doesnt care. At all. :)
  17. Oh man. The worst by far is when I was like 17 and my folks found 2 grams of Purple Kush in the washing machine after it had fallen out of my pillow-case, on a day that they randomly felt like washing my bedding. That started it all. Lol. :eek:
  18. My mom searched my room and tore the place apart. I lost almost 2 ounces of chron and half an ounce of swag. Im out like 500 dollars.

    I just left my house to go to a party and get a text from my mom tellin me she flushed my stash. I didnt reply because i was pretty pissed. So she keeps texting me tellin me how ungrateful i am and all this stuff.

    Personally im pissed and just want my money but i dont see that happening. SHIT
    Any ideas?
  19. Nothing you can do....hide your stuff better. Or, maybe tell your mom to do some research before condemning something as fun and harmless as weed.

    Won't work though....your choices are pretty much be more sneaky, or wait till you move out. Personally me and my family bumped heads about my weed use all the way up to graduation...

    Once I moved out though it was over with/

    But seriously though I give America props for its ability to basically mind fuck our entire country. Seriously, what makes the majority of people just accept what they're told without doing any real research themselves....
  20. yep, suck it up and keep on moving. if your mom doesnt want that shit in her house then dont keep it there. I use to get busted by my parents and all that shit too. the only real cure for that is to keep it somewhere else like stashed in the backyard, car, trust worthy friend, or just move out. sucks none the less.

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