Official "How to use a Vaporizer" Thread

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Classy Tokez, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, this is my first tutorial, but i've used my vape many many times since i got it sometime in September.

    1. Plug the vape in and remove the whip from the hot rod. Turn the dial to 358 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2. Grind up your dank of choice and pack a fat pinch of weed into the bowl and pack gently.

    3. Don't put the whip back on. Go get your munchies ready!:smoking:

    4. Wait 5 minutes or until the plastic surface area just above the hot rod is too hot to touch.

    5. Put the whip back on and watch the glass tube fill up with vapor while you take a long and steady toke on God's fart.

    6. Congratulations on your new favorite box and hope it helps!:smoking:

    By the way, i havent cleaned my vape in a long time so it's really dirty right now haha

  2. Is that GC I see in the background?:rolleyes:

    either way, its an okay tutorial. if you got the vape you have, its a solid one. and, well, you got me. i gont have a vape xP

    happy vaping!

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