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official ***high-end/low-end/china glass*** thread

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by juggalo6106, May 22, 2010.

  1. High everyone. I have been looking on the fourms for sometime now. And i noticed there are alot of high-end glass threads. I think its only fair if we have a thread to show off all levels of glass from china glass to high end. I do want to make a few rules just so nobody feels insulted, I would like everyone to be respectfull and not make fun of any homemade or china glass because not everyone has 300+ to buy a nice bong. so that being said feel free to post up any and all bongs, spoons, bowls, chillums ect. I also wanted to try something diffrent and see all your smoking tools so if you have pics of some blunts or j's post them to. (this is my first thread like this so please forgive me if i messed it up)
  2. isnt this what the entire toking tools section is for?:confused:
  3. good idea...but the entire toking tools sections is for people to post their pieces up
  4. all of my glass is blown by local blowers. the wooden rasta my mom got for me as a gift from her vaction. and the glass bong with the bending tube mouth peace is china glass. and the red bong aka big red i made out of a vase and bong parts from my first bong. R.I.P smokey. (the cards are for size refrence but i took the pic at an angle so the cards look bigger sorry for that)

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  5. yea it is but i just thought the whole idea of high-end threads made some people offended. i know i dont have a lot of money for a nice roor or even a biohazerd ( i know there not high end but still there nice) so i thought maybe this might catch on and give people a bost of confidence thier bongs/tools. if it dont cathc on ill get rid of it but if i dos ill leave it. im going to give it 2 days if it has 5 pages then ill leave it if not it will be gone.
  6. sorry i posted most of them but i had to post agin to many pics i guess. the last pic was my dad trying to be a rasta. lol hes cool tho. the fam loved this pic we still make fun of him for it (hippie)

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  7. Here's my first and only piece, I'm pretty sure it was made in china.
  8. Hate is a serious word, I don't hate anybody on this forum.

    some people just need to be told what's up or they will continue acting like an idiot and doing shit they shouldn't. He has all of the TT section, just leave us alone in that ONE single thread dedicated to functional ART, not chinese production bullshit

    it's done, as long as he doesn't keep posting and cluttering up the Headythread

    DD19, i love the disc on that A/C
  9. looks like gc has a few weeds within the blades and that goes to everyone who thinks high end shit is so great. yea its nice to look at and to use. but some of us dont want to go out and pay 300+ for something that we could pay 100-150 for and it will be just as good. but it seems no one who matters cares about other people so why dont you all stop being bong snobs (haha made my own word, i think) stop talking if you cant be nice.

  10. Okay, here's the thing.

    I can understand why ICU is upset. I don't condone his posts in this thread, but I can understand the reasoning for it. There was a lot of work done to try and get the new high-end/heady thread going and keep it only high-end/heady glass.

    No one is being a "snob". Some people just like a certain kind of glass, and that is what they go to that thread for. Having people post glass that isn't heady or high-end in it kind of defeats the whole point.

    I also understand the thought/hope that your own glass is high-end, but sometimes it just isn't. I have probably 30 or more pieces, but almost none of them would fit in the heady/high-end thread so I don't post them there. No matter how cool I think they are.

    That being said, let it go people.
    This thread is (as the title states) for low-end/china glass, so let's get back to posting that and stop arguing with each other before the thread gets closed.

    Okay? Okay. :p
  11. well said show my letting go, i'll contribute to the lowend with some of my wayy old pieces before i got into the Heady Glass game...

  12. nice!!!
  13. to your question, that weedstar was absolute shit, i sold it already..drag monster, no taste to the herb left after all that water.....W* blows
  14. i love this pipe! it's beautiful. where did you get it? who made it? do you still have it? thanks!
  15. i love this chillum. it's crappy china prodo but it love the flat mouth piece, the fuming and the bowl push is the perfect size. plus it didn't cost a lot so it's not a big deal if it happens to it.

  16. its gone, no idea who made it
  17. This is my tube. HBG, good enough for me.

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  18. #18 DiAmOnD RaStA, May 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2010
    That W* would prolly be a lot better if it had open ended slits, which im pretty sure Ziggi is doing now....

    Im glad JD came in here and did what she did, I was about to delete 3/4ths of the posts in this thread because its fighting... actually I will after I post a couple pics.

    These are my pieces, they dont belong in the High End thread, so here they are...


















    No new posts in 12 hours? ha, i broke the thread

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