Official Halloween Thread (Scary stories, conspiracies, all that cool shit)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Are My Eyes Ok, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Waaaasssssup blaaaades, as halloween draws nearer and nearer ive been delving through a shit load of creepy stuff - all whilst high obviously - and I wanna hear some of the creepy shit thats happened to you guys or any creepy shit you've heard about. Extra points if you got any scary videos that'll blow my mind.

    For the sake of getting this thread going ill talk about something that happened to me:

    When i was about 17 me and my ex were smoking a few bowls in the graveyard outside her house and when we were getting ready to leave, as we were walking down the path to leave, we saw this random guy standing at the end of the path looking at us. We got a bit freaked and took the long way round. We got i her house and had completely forgotten about the guy. Her parents had left so we lit a bowl in her garden. Now i just say it was because we were smoking some killer cheese but i looked up and in her bedroom window i saw the same black figure of a man. I flipped my shit thinking we'd left the door open and someone had walked in (I dont believe in ghosts and shit). I ran up there and there was nothing there and the front door was fully locked.

    My ex told me that they think her house is haunted because of her parents always playing with a Ouija Board (play that shit stoned. It's intense) and never ending it properly. It was a weird night to say the least.

    Tell me your stories guys :D
    Happy Halloween and Happy Toking :bongin:
  2. Scary as fuck man. Easily would've shit myself.
  3. #3 smokin bud, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2012
    This isnt scary but its an unordinary halloween experience. It was the first year of halloween that i smoked, and i was high as shit it was mischief night, my friend and i went to starbucks and on the way about 20 adults in costumes approached us (a bit frightening whilst a high as shit newbie) and asked if either of our names were jordan, and they neither of our names are jordan so we said no of course. We then go into starbucks and the adults in costumes follow us in, then we are about to order and they say hey can we wrap one of you in toilet paper like a mummy? We were just like what the fuck why? And then they said they were doing a halloween scavenger hunt. We both got wrapped in tp and got pictures and everything, and then they bought us drinks and gave us each $5. It was one hell of a strange incident haha.
  4. -ok so so like 5 years ago my mom had agressive breast cancer, and had to get a mastectomy, anyway when she came home and was recieving chemo, wierd things started to happen. i would see dark shadows from the corner of my eye.

    -in my moms room you would hear knocking on the walls at time, and at night she said she would feel things touching her feet at night and would tell her to kill us all.

    -on time when she had gone to get a chemo session, i was home alone (i was 15 at the time) watching t.v and then in my kitchen i hear rapid scratching or clawing of a pan, i sounded like nails scratching on a frying pan, i was so scared that i just stayed there in the position till they came home.

    - another night we were all in bed and it was like 1am,and i was still awake, and all of the sudden we here a loud ass noise, i thought someone broke in, so i check it out and the shower curtain had been pulled down with bar and all. I would always here footstep at night like draging feet that would come from the hall and you would be able to here it as it entered my carpeted room, you could hear the feet drag. i would be so terrified, that i would sleep with covers over my head. some scary shit man

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