Can i borrow someones ocarina of time? Ill trade you for super smash bros, but we have to trade back! Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
I know it says no girls allowed, But ive always been a rule breaker. That is my all time favorite video game.
No one can beat my mario on N64 Super Smash. I beat 3 lvl 9 donkey kongs that were on the same team by myself on fox's star-ship.. wait for it.. with Mario. Hard Up+A's for the winnerino
DUDE! I already called it! Doesnt matter! WTH! im going home and never talkin to you guys again. next day- Hey...can i play with you guys?
I'm talking about that old school smash for N64 before they had the means of catching a bowser to put in the smash game. Pshht.. pikachew is so over played I can read that thing like a book
This thread brings so much nostalgia....oh the memories I'm gonna smash your Mario with Link and his Triforce Slash....haaaaaaaaaa!puuuffff,boom pow!...right in the kisser!