OFFICIAL Dip/Chew Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ACole420, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Poppin some Skoal apple blend right now!
    Reminds of my time when I had to stay up looking at the buring oil derricks in the gulf:eek:
  2. I dipped in Iraq. Was a fuckton easier than smoking. But i quickly dropped the habit when I got back home.
  3. Last time I was dippin, some ***** hit me in the sack with a hackysack.

    You can guess the rest.

  4. you dont have any room to talk.:rolleyes:
  5. Yeah my first time really sucked. I was high out my mind, courisy of my grav bong, and I was still in braces. Shit got stuck all up in my teeth and I accidentally swallowed some. I was in complete euphoria the 5 minutes before I puked. Maybe eating it gives you more of a buzz because I was coming up really quickly becoming more and more buzzed. I then puked and stuff for an hour which freaked the hell out of my friends. As I started to go bad, the sky went overcast being very appropriate for this event. I've done it since and I like it a lot but it feels like it tears my gums up and eating food makes me paranoid I'll swallow some leftover dip.
  6. Wow I forgot I made this thread. Like 2 weeks after that I went back to smoking cigs and haven't really dipped since. But now I kinda want a fat lip of some Grizzly Wintergreen. I also love to dip when drunk I get such a head buzz but you gotta be careful cause it might make you throw up.
  7. I've tried dipping a couple times. I always throw up. Haha. I'm a pussy to that shit.

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