My favorite thing on a girl is her body, and a lot of people just focus on ass or tits so I'm gonna convert some people to whats real
GOOD GOD!!!! i could wash my clothes on those abs! rockin bodies rock all night. Physically FIT!! Physically FIT! Physically Physically Physically FIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!
Girls with abs are hot, but not abs where you could slice cheese on. I don't like too much. Wrestling women!!! They're the bees fucking knees!!!
They closed down the Ass threads because they're making the GC iPhone app.. like what does that have to do with anything
MADNESS I TELL YOU! COMPLETE MADNESS! But forreal though, that's like one of the best threads here in GC.
Lol I woke up this morning checking the new post and saw that it wasn't in my content and I kinda flipped out thinking one of those gay dudes fucked the thread up and it got deleted hahah. Then I saw the admin post or what ever.. I just wonder why the ass thread was temporarily closed?? Is it that the fine asses can't be seen on the new app?? give us answers GC!!
Apple wont approve the app with that kind of content, hopefully they shut down the gay ass thread also, because that would get them denied just as fast. This might even get shut down, but I hope not Apple sucks and this is another reason why! Lol