Official astrology thread?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Mr. President, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. I’m surprised there isn’t a huge, 10,000 page thread on astrology and everyone’s opinion regarding and since this [apparently] very real phenomenon is a recent discovery of mine I thought I would try and start one.

    Basically, I grew up thinking there was a good guy in the sky (Jesus) and a bad guy in the ground (Satan). I have read and studied end time prophecy as a special interest, I’ve gone to Bible studies and church sports and all of it. At the end of the day, God was everywhere but honestly nowhere. I started to realize that prayer was nothing more than a form of meditation and if anything a series of positive affirmations that essentially invoked the law of attraction.

    It bothered me to admit this to myself, but I felt silly! Once I took a step out, I seriously could not take most of these people seriously anymore - mind you I fully understand that 97% of Christians are what id call “New age Christians” or “American Christians”. They aren’t even doing it right! They are reading bibles that are easier to read which leave out crucial scripture in some cases and majorly altered scripture in other cases. It would be downright wrong and irresponsible to collectively judge any group of people, so I don’t! But here’s the thing, God talks to all of them but each one of them has a completely different interpretation of what they’ve read? Worse, it creates arguments among their own communities! You have pre-trib believers, you have post-trib believers, you have preterists who literally believe the world is over already [lol] like, why doesn’t God just send them all the same message?

    God to me would just be pure consciousness. God isn’t believed to be a person in the Bible and there is no God in reality either because where is he? The idea of consciousness being it’s own entity, it would be easy to see that we are all just fragments of this consciousness.

    This shook my foundation and left me feeling a little more responsible for myself. One day a friend asked me what my zodiac sign was and I told him I was a Taurus. He then asked what my other signs were and I found myself confused and intrigued. What other signs?

    Apparently, the moment you were born right down to your exact geographic location and very minute, you have what is called a birth chart which depicts the alignment of planets respective to your location at that very moment. Look, it’s you! Think of your birth chart like a screenshot of the solar system the moment you were born.

    With this new information, Astrology was already beginning to be easier to believe, because I knew people with the same birth month as me, but we were totally unlike each other. Likewise, I knew a girl that had my same birthday, year and all, but it’s not like we were twins. This misunderstanding is where people get lost and lose interest because not all people born in May are the same people. Not all people born May 22nd are the same people. In fact that scenario would be nearly impossible because even your minute and location are crucial. This is how identical twins are still their own people. Someone born at 7:00am will be very different from someone born the same day at 7:00pm. Two people born same day, same hour, same state, but different cities will have a huge impact! Now this is more believable. This would make….. a huge world full of different people! As I typed my information into this free website, I was blown away at how accurate this was! I was reading all about myself to “THE T”.

    To stop right here, things like solely Sun signs, horoscopes, palm readings, it’s all BS. Your birth chart isn’t a horoscope. It doesn’t tell you the future. It tells you the type of person you are fundamentally, the choices you’re likely to make as a result, the relationships you’re bound to have, the careers you’re more likely to pursue, your likely talents.

    I sat with this tiny piece of information (idea of a birth chart) for a long time. I started to investigate and found that every good relationship I knew of were two people with compatible charts and likewise, bad relationships with people who had astrologically incompatible signs. I noticed the people I hung around with were highly compatible signs. I was already [very happily] married and compared our birth charts, we are extremely compatible according to our charts. My job, my hobbies, everything was mind blown!

    Flash forward to transits. Ever having a hard time for any reason? Depressed Constantly having bad relationships? Look at your birth chart transits! The transits are comparing your screenshot (birth chart) and laying it on top of current planetary alignments. The difference in planetary angles from your chart to current planetary alignment unfold information specific to you. I went back to when I walked away from God, and found a planet in my chart during that transit went retrograde and this might cause me to question my beliefs. Are you kidding me????

    Taking consideration of all your planets, the houses their in, and so many more things that I’m not even fully educated on have shown me that clearly there is something truthful to this on almost a spooky level.

    I encourage you to investigate this on your own. You will find the interpretations you read are too unique to you to possibly be such a generality that it could apply to anyone. Also, it’s important to realize that anything you read online is an interpretation based on AI and you should research your specific alignments individually, rather than take one free birth chart website for granted and call it a day.

    Trust me, there’s something to this. We all know the moon effects gravity/ tide in our oceans and seas, how could you, who’s mostly water and stardust, think you’re exempt?

    Im a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising in case anyone’s wondering.
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  2. Pretty sure I heard everyone's "sign" has changed now compared to what people go off of due to the earth's positioning changing or some shit like that. I've sort of considered there's maybe something to it before but as far as I'm concerned now it's about as legit as a glorified magic 8 ball. Just my opinion.
  3. [​IMG]

    I let mine make all my critical decisions.

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  4. The signs don’t really mean anything. They’re merely just titles of planetary alignments which will never change.

    The earth is constantly changing position as well as the entire solar system, that’s the entire point my friend. Earth is spinning around the sun @67,000MPH. The solstices and equinoxes are all still the same, so any other position you could be referring to is irrelevant. It’s your position in the cosmos, not earths position. Astrology would still work if you were born on mars.

    I’m trying to help people understand an aspect that I didn’t realize was more important. Forget everything you know about mainstream astrology, it’s mostly crap. Don’t get caught up in the letters, just read the laws.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I suspect there is something to the ancient science of astrology, but i think what we have today is a... How to put it, an incomplete and misunderstood aspect of what it once was.

    To the OPs post, if every moment/location etc is unique, which of course it is, then it couldn't really be calculated or generalized.

    But, i can understand that the stunning correlations are too peculiar to dismiss or ignore. When you have something like that, you are justified in believing it, if even as a placeholder until a better explanation comes along.

    I find astrology interesting i just think we are a long way from recovering the lost science/art of it.

    Kind of reminds me of Sheldrakes Morphic Resonance, or cymatics. Somewhere in the Bible it says the stars sing or praise, and as we know everything is in motion and vibrating, the cumulative cymatic standing wave of your time and location could have and effect just as snowflakes form according to their surrounding environment.

    Maybe you were born in G Major so you resonate with consonant people and have conflict with dissonant people like G minor flats.

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  6. I truly appreciate your response! In fact, you may have more accurately stated, and in far less words my sentiment exactly.

    When you put it in terms like, “recovering the lost science” It struck me because as I previously described, a lot of “fake news” is out there, such as horoscopes. The true science is far more detailed and I was completely unaware of that fact. When I think horoscope I think of some generalized statement in the newspaper. But as I study my birth chart and the correlation between the planets and the houses they’re in, it’s just too accurate to blow it off as fake.

    It would be scary to think of the wrong person, perhaps even in government using this knowledge to manipulate people. Imagine not being allowed to reach a certain level in government unless you had a transit they desire?
  7. As i was talking about resonance, think about the government, as people say power corrupts, or stated the other way, the corrupt seek power, and there is a dark energy in that echelon and it attracts those that resonate with it.

    There are definitely secret societies that have influence on the worlds stage, and we refer to them as occults (means hidden). I suspect some of those elements are aware of such things.

    I think they promulgate materialist science but practice an occult lost possibly more spiritual science. And when i say spiritual i dont necessarily mean good. Sex trafficking for instance, the powerful preying on the most innocent/pure and corrupting them with their evil etc.

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  8. Post your chart OP lol
  9. I often think about how much evil we contribute to by simply existing everyday. Sucks to say but there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ve gone as far to think that humans are like a virus, and the host is Mother Earth.

    the elites control us completely down to the water we drink and the air we breathe. The veil is thin though if you pay attention, they don’t even hide it anymore.

    it makes me think of the original sin according to Christian’s, which is simply being born.
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  10. My attitude for you has changed completely. Perhaps a lesson learned for me.

    Do you have a Capricorn Sun or Moon?

  11. This topic regarding astrology is going to quickly end up in referring to scripture and I’m wondering if you knew that was going to happen. As It says, all truths lead to Jesus lol. I do recall God asking man why he would worship the stars and the sky and not the creator.

    Anyway, I agree and am very well aware of these secret societies which not only have influence over the worlds stage, but also, I believe, are carrying out a very specific agenda. This is where I started and left off with Jesus/ Christianity. It seems so real but nobody cares and it drives me crazy. End times prophesy. The obvious satanism in all things foundational to the entire world. Freemasons, Aliester Crowley, Anton Levay, Hollywood, the media and their end goal for a new world order. They are preparing to usher in the antichrist. I believe Covid is a precursor for “the Mark”. And all this is happening at the exact time prophesied; the end of The first generation of newfound Israel (May 14, 1948) shall not pass before the return of Christ. The last time God destroyed the world was during the flood because of Nephilim beings. Genetically modified humans that can’t be saved by Jesus’ sacrifice. Look what mRNA technology does to human dna. Something very fishy there. And now this super computer/ AI that Google and Facebook use that is quite literally coming alive. I’ve wondered recently if the antichrist would be AI.

    Interestingly enough, there’s a book available on the titled, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”.
  12. No I didn't put any forethought into it, i just read the thread and some things popped into my head and i sloppily jotted them down.

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  13. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy your perspective
  14. Isn't your sign the constellation the sun rises in on the day of your birth? Based on stars not planets.

    That has changed in the many years since astrology was made up
  15. Well, I’m glad it’s changed and mine has for you, I’m quite surprised you’re interested in this topic at all to be honest.

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  16. #16 Mr. President, Dec 19, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021

    It’s based on planets and constellations, and likely more than I'm aware.

    I disagree that astrology was made up. Kind of like how mathematics or physics isn’t made up. We merely discovered it and as my friend NorseMythology has explained, a lot of it (astrology) has been lost (perhaps on purpose) and we are still relearning this mesmerizing phenomenon.
  17. 1EFF52DC-840F-4E79-BAF3-3CFAF41219B8.jpeg
    A lot of people judge others and stick to their judgements. But not you. That’s just another reason for me to appreciate my newfound respect for you. Thank you. I’m aggressive and stubborn by nature, but you’ll see that in my chart. There’s a balance though.

    In terms of my interests, I feel all perspectives should be investigated. I don’t recall who said it but I read a quote once that read, “if you can change your mind you can change the world.” Its all about perspective. I think that might stem from a fear of being taken by surprise. I like learning and applying what I know, it’s like a hobby. Sometimes you just have to see things through different glasses. This trait has been a source lifelong loneliness for me at times though because I put such a value on my time and efforts in learning/ investigation to only share those things and find that nobody else cares.

    I wanted to acknowledge your response, I’ll have to check out your chart later!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Can you prove through repeated experiments that astrology is real, like physics?

    Is there any aspect of it that can be measured by anything else that is physical?

  19. Sure. What is your birth day, month, year and exact hour/ minute you were born?
  20. #20 SIRSOG, Dec 19, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
    If this is repeatable the answer you give me would apply to someone born in the same room at the same time then though, yes?

    Edit: I do want to clarify, while I am clearly in here contesting astrology, I am a huge believer in science. There, to my knowledge, is no scientific evidence behind astrology but I'd love to see some if it's out there. I love astronomy, so if the planets and stars are magical entities that might be cool, but again back to evidence.

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