Off to court.

Discussion in 'General' started by Brahski, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. im addicted to first. good luck
  2. First Charge? Hopefully it gets dismissed with a fine. It was scary when i went to court, but everything was OK in the end (for shopplifting paint)
  3. good luck bud, fuck shit up. :cool:
  4. Show up nude. Post results.

    srlsy; goodluck.
  5. blaze before its always funner
  6. good luck man. i know im gonna need it come feb. 28 with my drunk driving case :eek:
  7. Good luck!!!

    [ame=]YouTube - System Of A Down - Fuck The System[/ame]
  8. Good luck man!
  9. Good luck man. I hope it all works out as it should.
  10. dress to impress, go in clean cut, and use visene.
  11. Third charge, I'm on two overlapping ACD's.
    Fuckin' shit up indeed.
    Thought of it, but I'm not sure the judge would appreciate me flashing my rather large dick around his court.
    :laughing: Thought about that too, not worth it, if he saw me high he'd give me a worse charge.
    Good luck man! You will need it indeed.
    Fuck 'em! Thanks!
    Thanks to you as well!
    Thanks to you too!
    I'm a sexy beast. :cool:

    Just wore a dress shirt, tie, and some slacks.

    Went in and met with my lawyer, gotta go back on the 3rd of march. If the driver takes blame for the shit I get off with yet another ACD.. :rolleyes:

    Seriously, do they even exist? I've been arrested while on them twice and they never get brought up, I think there just there to scare you.
  12. Good luck mang! I'm about to read the linked post noww.
    Let us know when you know you're a free man! :)
  13. man arrested on Christmas tho.well good luck in court brahski.
  14. I go back on the third, for the last time, hopefully.
  15. Good luck brah.

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