Seeds were taking so long to get here that I got a couple of clones and the day I come home with em one of my seed shipments is in the mailbox. So we're starting the seeds in jiffy while the clones get Happy Frog soil. Controller is set and working good. 600w LED full spectrum light is 18" up. Think I'm off to a good start.
So far so good. 3 inches of growth after week one. I'm having an issue keeping the actual air temp under 80°F but the soil temp and leaves are reading 74° and 73°, respectively. I have a 6in fan blowing at the plants from 2.5ft and a 10in fan pointed at the wall moving all air. My RH is staying between 50 and 80%. The pic was after a 30min exhaust to drop temp a bit. Should I just keep it where I am and stop stressing about the overall temp since the plants are where they should be? Not trying to micro-manage but want this first grow to be as good as possible. Thanks for the help! ✌
10 days in and going strong. Had to move some things around. Trying to germinate some Autos now. The light to the left is a seedling I damn near murdered then hooked up to a hydro life support. I've had to transplant once already. Had almost 2 inch long roots hanging out the bottoms and all 3 were rootbound already.